I was hoping this would be somewhat similar to the darkest dungeon 1 DLCs where entire new sections of the game changed or were added. Having already beaten the final boss with stygian blaze, I simply didn't find that this DLC added enough new content to be compelling enough to complete just by itself. If this is your first playthrough of the game, I'd absolutely pick it up.
Personally, to revisit this game, I need to know there's a new challenge ready for me beyond the base 5 chapters. Even a new torch that was harder than stygian would be enough for me.
I absolutely adore the darkest dungeon franchise and only leave a negative review on this from my perspective as a returning player who has already beaten the game and conquered its hardest challenges. I've refunded the DLC but may choose to purchase it again if Red Hook release another DLC with a level of new content on par with "crimson court" from DD1.
tldr: this DLC is supplementary to the base game, not standalone content for a returning player.