This review is completely and utterly obsolete. When I read this again in 2021, it's actually impressive how much has changed since 2019. I don't feel like re-writing the review, so I'll just leave this the way it was back then and tell you that I would still recommend the dlc. It's sad that the Pig has suffered so much abuse from the devs, because her power is interesting and unique, but she is certainly one of the weaker killers (still fun to play though).
Dead By Daylight - the SAW Chapter, like all the chapters that came before it, introduces a new killer, survivor, and map. Both the killer and the survivor come with three perks unique to them. Both the killer and survivor perks are pretty underwhelming, to be blunt.
Hangman's Trick: Allows all hooks that have been destroyed, either through sacrifice or sabotage, regenerate after a honestly very short period of time, the top tier capping at 10 seconds. This perk would have been amazing at the launch of the game, as the Sabotuer perk was EVERYWHERE, and at that time, hooks NEVER regenerated, forcing you to attempt to bring every survivor to the basement. This was changed, and rightfully so, but because of the change the Sabo perk has all but dissapeared from most top builds. Really the only use it has is the ability to regenerate hooks that have been used for sacrifices. I can't lie; there have been many times as a killer that I have downed multiple survivors, but been unable to hook the other ones after hooking the original survivor because especially on the large maps, hooks are few and far between, and unless you always run Agitation, if you down a survivor in the wrong spot you have to let them get healed, or bleed out. This perk solves this issue COMPLETELY, but like a lot of perks in this game, is outclassed and isn't worth using the slot for it when something better could take it's place.
Surveillance: Down at the very bottom of the food chain of killer perks, this perk is downright useless. Generators regress after performing the break action on them, and this perk allows you to see a few of those generators; for a limited amount of time. I don't even know why seeing regressing generators in general would be useful.
Make your Choice: This perk is actually pretty good; it gives you the most important part of the Devour Hex perk, being able to instantly down a survivor, without any of the risk of losing the totem or the struggle to get to 3 tokens in the first place. Granted, the Exposed effect only affects one survivor, and only for a limited amount of time, but 60 seconds is more than enough time to get a hit on a survivor with you waiting 32 meters away from the hook. Very useful for stopping last minute group escapes near the Exit Gates.
Tenacity: Essentially a slightly better version of Unbreakable, this perk is only useful when you are facing a slugger killer, which, at least in my experience, doesn't happen often enough to justify the use of this perk. It MIGHT get a hatch escape or two, especially with the increased speed, but that's about it.
Detective’s Hunch: Finding generators, totems and chests aren't that difficult in the first place, and because of that, this perk has no place in any build unless you are a newbie to the game.
Stake Out: Edit: I completely underestimated the usefullness of this perk. I can't say I play survivor that often, but the bonus of a good skill check turning into a great one is really valuable, even if you consider yourself to be relatively good at completing skill checks.
Killer's Ability: Probably the main reason you are considering to buy this DLC, the killer's power is... unique, to say the least. As Amanda, AKA the Pig, without addons you start the game with 4 Reverse Bear Traps, and unlike the Trapper, that's it. You use all of the traps, you can't get anymore. The Reverse Bear Traps are placed on survivors after putting them into the dying state. Each trap has a countdown timer, which, without addons, takes a whole TWO MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS to kill someone, and the timer doesn't begin until AFTER A GENERATOR IS COMPLETED. Assuming you hook the survivor after placing the trap on them and they get rescued, the only way for a survivor to remove the Reverse Bear Trap is to search through Jigsaw Boxes which spawn on the map only when the Pig is the killer. Similar to generators, in order to complete the search of the Box you must progress to the end of the meter, facing skill checks as well. Without addons, four Jigsaw Boxes spawn on that map, each having a 25% chance to contain the key to remove the trap. You might always get the key on the first or second try, or you might have to go through all four Boxes. All of this sounds pretty cool, right? Well, hate to burst your bubble but survivors AUTOMATICALLY see ALL OF THE BOX'S AURAS AS SOON AS THE TRAP IS PLACED ON THEM. If this weren't the case, Amanda would be a good if not great killer. Instead, there is no true searching for the correct key. Unless you tunnel them, the survivors will 99% percent of the time find the key needed to stop the trap, and, to add insult to injury, even if a generator has been completed and the timer started, it won't tick down if you are in a chase with them, or even if they are in the dying state.
Suprisingly, though, this isn't the end of the Pig's Power. By pressing the left control key on the keyboard, you start a 3-4 second animation in which the Pig crouches to three fourth's of her normal height. When this animation is completed, the Pig has a whopping 0 terror radius, and you move almost as fast as you would if you were standing. While in this crouch, by holding down the attack button you begin a rather amazingly long and fast lunge, and it really is amazing. 0 terror radius plus a lunge like her's is deadly in this game, even if the attack doesn't put the survivor into the dying state. Or, it would be amazing if you didn't need to be behind a line of sight blocker in order to get relatively close to an alert survivor repairing a generator.
The first thing I will say is, do not buy this DLC if you only intend to use the new perks that come along with the new killer. Paying that much for 2-3 OK-Good perks is defintely not a smart way to spend your money. Be patient. If you pay attention, sooner or later this perks will come into the Shrine.
Amanda's ability overall is OK. She would be placed as a Mid-Tier Killer in my opinion. Her traps are not really supposed to be an effective way of sacrifing a survivor. They are simply meant to stall for time, as survivors with half a brain won't complete a generator if they know a fellow survivor has the trap on. Take advantage of that fact, and try to get some hooks in. Don't tunnel the survivor with the trap since you want it to go off as that is a horrible way to try to play as the Pig. I will say however, that the traps are an AMAZING way to bait Survive with Friends Squads as the survivor with the trap on cannot go through the exit gates without instantly dying to the trap. Most SWF squads will attempt to distract you so the survivor with the trap on can find the key to get the trap off, and many a time in my experience as the Pig have SWF squads lost an additional 2-3 survivors because of this; save at least a few of your traps for the end game. As for her insidious 2.0? It's alright. The lunge is nasty but don't expect many hits. The terror radius is the main draw.
One last thing; with addons, the Pig can be an AMAZING killer. One of them allows you to remove the Jigsaw Box's Aura's (which should have been there in the first place), and others add special status effects to survivor's with the trap on, and an addon that even cuts down the trap's timer. A good killer to prestige.
Conclusion: Slightly above average killer, mediocre perks. If you play killer a lot (or you're a SAW junkie) , it's worth it. If not, pass/wait for a sale.