It's repetitive, but it's nice to zone out and listen to an audiobook as I dig out an entire hillside. Speaking of...yeah, the extra tools and such are kinda pointless if you just can dig all the dirt and stone away from the entire location. Still, I enjoy it, probably not for everyone.
The decoration is okay, I would have liked to hang the pterandons from the ceiling but oh well.
I feel the biggest missed opportunity was in education. It would have been fantastic to say...get a little description of each bone as I'm assembling it. Just a little blurb of text in the corner saying what it is called. Also would've loved more details on each species we assemble. Like...the target audience is clearly dino nerds, let us nerd out!
It's also a little buggy with the workstations, controlling where you are in relation to the bones/rotating the bones so you can get everything assembled only works half the time. Oh...and I really hate the driving bits. Just let me spawn at the dig sites. But still...overall it's chill, and I enjoy it.