Maybe it was just the time and place, the era, but DOOM3 has always been on my short list of one the best games ever made. I have owned this on CD sense it first came out and have played through it several times. The newer DOOM games may look great and be good games but in my book they just don't measure up to DOOM3. Even after all these years and even though the mechanics are so basic, as a shooter, now in comparison this game still ranks as one of the greats for me.
At one time this game on STEAM required the expansion to run in full screen, but all those issues have been resolved by including all the expansions in this BFG version. All versions, add-ons, and expansions work perfectly If you change the resolution the first time you start it. I'm also pleased that this old game even though it says you must accept the 3rd party stuff it starts when you click play and there are no hoops to jump through every time you start it to play, you just play the game ... what a novel ideal in this day and age. On sale it's a must have. It may start out easy but when you get to the part of the game where you are going back and forth from Hell and back ... it can still test you as a gamer on one of the difficulties. Even after all these years when I do a play through I feel this is a game that all games should be measured by. If there is such a thing as a perfect game, this comes close, or is. When played in Recruit (easy) it really is from start to finish, it's doable and fun. Even the Bosses in the game are fun, once you figure out how even though the actual in-game mechanics are so basic it's fun to try the different levels of difficulty. It's just about the perfect length for a campaign, and the add-ons and expansions, again, are almost perfect. They expand on the story and lore and add just enough new stuff so as to be interesting but not stray from the original game play. As you can tell I truly do love this game. The only very minor knock I can even think of is there are one of two places in the game where you might feel you are just running in circles but overall the puzzle solving and the maze it creates is pretty basic and that only might be said of one or two places in the game. It was ground breaking when they made it, it remains a timeless classic, and reminds me of what games are really suppose to be ... fun. This game was made by people that actually played it and it shows. Playing it becomes a labor of love for me, never a task. It is one of the few games I play over and over and will replay on the different difficulties. In the end this review serves as a thank you to those that gave us this masterpiece because I'm sure most gamer's already are familiar with this title and have experienced it but if not if you are of a younger generation and even if the simple in-game mechanics and graphics seem out dated maybe you can appreciate it as a look at your roots as a gamer and see it as one of the reasons gaming has become the popular pass time it is today. If there ever was an example of less is actually more, as far as games go this might be it. I'll end where I started and if I could only have 5 games and no more to last me the rest of my days, this would be one of them beyond any shadow of doubt. And that's mostly because I consider myself a Flight Sim Player first and a shooter second. It really is a game that still to this day I measure all games by.