Yet another rip-off of Dungeon Keeper, except unlike the first game, this one is very blatant. As expected of rip-offs, it's like playing a 'remaster' made by a totally different dev team. And, even if you disregard the fact that it's just not a good clone, by itself it's just a bad game.
Once again, most of the game is spent underground. You have your workers, which you use to build things, dig out walls, and so on. Here's where the game starts to stink. You have an unit limit shared across both worker, and military units, which means you won't be able to have many workers. This would be fine, if the devs adjusted their work efficiency accordingly, which they certainly DO NOT. They both take forever to work, and to also traverse your dungeon. Right away, in the first few maps, you'll spend most of the time waiting. Waiting for them to travel your dungeon at grandpa pace, waiting for them to slowly dig out a single wall, and so on.
There is a new gimmick, where you occasionally have to travel to the surface to do objectives there, when you can actually fully control your characters, like in an RTS, as opposed to having extremely limited control over your units, while they're in your dungeon. The back-and-forth between being able to fully control your units, and basically not being able to control them, is as jarring as it sounds. They were really intent on keeping Dungeon Keeper controls, even though it's not really what that series is praised for. This is what happens when you're obtuse, and have no idea why the thing you're copying is successful.
Here are some other cons I don't feel like elaborating:
- Extremely irritating narrator! Literally Reddit incarnate, and he just WON'T SHUT UP, especially if you take too long to do an objective that is by no means urgent, which could be something as simple as setting up a room. Once again, they tried copying DK's sarcastic and dry narrator, but failed miserably, to say the least
- Bland, simplistic combat, even when on the surface
- Clunky controls
- Just a general feeling of 'uninspiredness'; it feels like the game is a lower quality version of a mashup between other much better games (one of them obviously being Dungeon Keeper)
- Also, for whatever reason the game crashed A LOT for me, but that might be because I was alt-tabbing like crazy out of boredom. Or not, who knows. Still worth considering
As for pros, the game is admittedly pretty, and the graphics have aged pretty well. Too bad looks aren't everything.