I fed the Leviathan Taco Bell and it farted me out.
10 out of 10 would do again.
Update: Finished the DLC to full review below.
But in all seriousness this is a pretty alright DLC. I just finished it so here we go.
I wouldn't say its the best content update in the game, it primarily adds two major events that after you finish the missions for them they become regular events. The items acquired from them from my experience (I am level 30, maxed out, all current legendaries and starforged items on my Sentinel at the time of release) are not the best and I found most of the items from the two events don't do me much justice. More of, it's better for those in mid-game level 20-30 still getting their feet off the ground. Some of the new tech is cool, and new legendary equipment is always welcome. However, as I said, I am already what I would consider maxed out, with full legendary/Superior Starforged build for most of my ships so I found the drops from the new events weaker than just doing more rifts and signal decoders.
The story missions themselves are fun. Finding the Leviathan and doing what I would call a "stomach dungeon" is a lot of fun and reminds me of a particular dungeon in the Legend of Zelda series. The Pirate Dreadnought is cool, I found the space battle combat very cinamatic, however, felt the missions for both were short and kinda just ended with "ok these events keep happening lets roll". The Leviathan makes sense, but not so much the dreadnought.
This leads to the final question, is a $15 price tag worth it for this DLC? I still say yes. I believe Rockfish at some point had to make some money on their content updates. They are a small indie studio so eventually they do need to make money on future updates. I for one love to support their work. Was this the best content expansion? Honestly no. But was it worth the fun and continuing to support Rockfish for more future content? Yes.
Overall, it's a fun expansion. I still had fun. I wanted more out of it, but glad I still enjoyed it. Hopefully Rockfish tops it more with the major expansion they keep teasing coming in 2025.