Used to fulfill it's own niche in the ghost hunting/investigation/horror genre but the games been circling the drain and failing to actually polish up its increasingly bloated premise. Was part of the discord and would see the devs do an @everyone ping to complain constantly about the game not being as popular as Phasmophobia or moderators that exist solely to gate suggestions and real criticisms about the games stale mechanics.
Ghosts aren't unique, the steps for dealing with them range from absurdly easy to tediously annoying. With recent updates they are giving them unique behaviors but these behaviors add nothing to the game at best and at worse you're dealing with a ghost that can frustratingly insta kill you or even undo your progress in the game. This is especially obnoxious because items all have finite uses and are fairly expensive to rebuy, often a match just ends because it's not financially worth it or because it's dragged on well past the fun point.
Description says the ghosts have unique attacks and animations but this is a straight up lie, they all have the same animations for attacks, having items thrown at them, events etc. Even the same sound effects. Some ghosts that float around have footstep sounds, males ghosts can have events with female voices. The potential here is massive but completely ignored.
The game hasn't had a new map in over a year now because the developers can't figure out why most of the nearly dead playerbase primarily use the 1 house map over the others, so according to them they just won't be releasing new maps. They haven't done anything to try to resolve this. Larger maps are not balanced for this kind of gameplay and smaller maps are too cramped to support something faster paced.
The game has absolutely 0 stealth mechanics in it, when the ghost hunts it locks the doors only to unlock them again once it manifests. So the solution that everyone does it wait by the door and walk out, which ends the hunt if no one is inside. The game offers no reason to engage with the ghosts during a hunt but offers useless things like speed boosts in case you feel like playing poorly.
The ghosts don't hear you on the microphone. Some ghosts have an % chance to just deflect your protection items/evidence items outright forcing you to rebuy the item until RNG favors you. Game has the same problem a lot of the investigation games have with ghosts sometimes refusing to provide evidence, this game has even more needed evidence to gather so the issue becomes worse in some matches. They resort to awful bandaid fixes like having a message appear on screen on repeat telling you that the ghost doesn't seem interested in the voodoo doll because they couldn't figure out a better way to convey this.
When you die you have to collect 5 orbs that roam the entire map before coming back to life, you have about 3 lives or less depending on difficulty. IF you and your friend die then it's possible for 1 of you to collect 2 of the 5 orbs and then lock both of you out from being able to revive regardless of how many lives are left. This is a ridiculous oversight for a badly done system.
The ingame ghosts and player models are blatantly store bought assets, they look distractedly bad. The games overall visual look is extremely basic 3D game.
I used to like this game in 2023/2023ish but it's fallen hard and it seems like every new update doesn't push the game towards any kind of completed state, I don't understand what the end product is meant to look like and the game doesn't even fit what the store page shows.
How can anyone support a game when the games own developers seem to have lost any confidence in their own product? They even released another game into early access a couple weeks ago called The Last Man Survivor so they aren't even prioritizing this game anymore. It's just a bunch of sloppy half implemented mechanics being stacked on top of each other with not a single mechanic being polished.
Give it a pass, Forewarned is a finished product that has beaten out this game at essentially every single aspect that this game tries and fails to do. Ghosts are scary with actual unique behaviors that demand players adjust how they play, more evidence, and it's just polished.