My 49th Kemco Game.
I finished it..playtime: 17:10 (offline).
The story is something you would only think about after a night of drinking. A boy wants to turn back time to save his parents. For this he must collect some gems from different Automatas (Letoiles).
Every Letoile has bonded with an human...and every one of them has his own dream.
So it's dungeon after dungeon till you confront the final Boss.
Now I must confess, that the main hero is an absolute loser. Almost to the end he lets the defeated escape.
What's special in this game? Each character has 4 Slots for equipment. 1 each for weapon and armor and 2 for ornaments..
And than there are the skills. Skills are gained with gems that you must equip. Each character has a ring of slots. Some of them are opened by leveling up, while others are opened with a special item.
Normal gems are bought special ones found in chests in the dungeons.
Some of the skills can only be used if you fill a special counter...nice option..but I never use it.
Every 3 fights you gain special coins that you can use in the menue-shop. There you can buy items like 2 to open special dungeons. But more intesting are items to raise attributes. Buy them and you can make Super Fighters.
And than there is the arena...only this time it is an very boring arena...not worth playing.
Now the dungeons...I can only describe them as boring. The same set of monsters over and over again. You don't need any special tactic. Usually the fights are over after 2 rounds. Boss fights take a little longer but are no problem.
Last hint: You don't need the cheat items (but I would have liked the no encounters).
So: no bugs, boring story and it only to complete your collection and if it is on sale.