Had high hopes for 343 to revive Halo. Well they did. Having played through the Single Player and played a fair bit of MP for a few months after release, the experience was great. Guess the honeymoon phased rolled out when 343 literally shown their colors: microtransactions for cosmetics = output less and less overtime.
Stopped playing frequently because lost of interest and got a life to live.
Sure we got Forge but, pretty late. About like... a year almost later chronologically speaking? Not enough for me to stick around longer.
I want to put all the blame on Microsoft, as publishers have a tendency to stress and push developers to their limit against really arbitrary deadlines. All for some fake know-it-all Corpo who sits on their ass all day, watching numbers. Only getting excitement if numbers go up/become green. Those very same pieces of garbage humans could care less about actual human beings who actually enjoy the beloved series for some aspects or another.
Would rather have spent my money and time elsewhere at this point. I'd rather have played Destiny 2 actually and still feel sad. But not as sad as my time on this "Halo Infinite".
They dropped the ball on this. Halo Infinite feels incredibly hollow. The implication of "Infinite" is a joke.
It felt like as the Devs & Publisher were to capitalize on hope for fans to keep playing and spending money - is not what we asked for as actual fans. We wanted more story. The only story we get in this halo is "Oh Chief is back and saves the day" in like what... Not even 20 hours. Where's the rest of the story implications besides "Aaaaagggghhh I am dying" in the audio logs..? Can we experience it some more? Why not have a long prologue, a playable one?
Very disappointed overall in the end because we've been relatively kept in the dark whether or not the story continues in Infinite. I say this because I've heard mixed sources there's support and then there's plans of no more content as time went on and my interest started dwindling from launch in the span of almost a year, huffing hopium.
It's rather pathetic that we won't see the flood on the installation as implied in some niche crevice on the internet talking about Halo Infinite... They gave up and make some MP cosmetics but like... It's not... It's as grand experience like past Halos. Imagine a Halo game where you experienced all SP elements it has to offer, and then that's made better by seeing almost all the same stuff in MP. The immersion is lost in this Halo completely. We coulda have both. Flood in Halo Inf. Story Lore, flood game mode in MP. Nah. Some AI hacked spartans and you gotta take them down. Oh btw, now there's flood cosmetics but. It's JUST ARMOR LMAO.
You know. Just remembered. I do remember seeing 343 say "Oh with Forge, you can have your own Master Chief Adventures from now on." That's not... what I expected. I expected something way more laid down and thought-out instead of a secondary game mode with vigorous "pizzazz" (love & heart) of the Devs - but all we got was an after thought. A rushed. After thought. That's what Halo Infinite is.
Where's the actual passion and vision to make Halo as good as the imaginations run wild? Where's the intense feeling of all hope is lost before Chief comes back to avenge the fallen soldiers and Spartans? All we get is the bare minimum - after thoughts.
I do hope the next Halo project in the works is not Free to Play, but 100% pay to access. If that's what it takes to actually fund an actual "next best" Halo game - PLEASE! Don't sell us shallow hope and thinking a fan like me can keep drinking the koolaid copium of "Oh yeah there's gonna be more content... right? Oh just cosmetics... OH... The news is that there's plans to stop addition of content."
The Game engine is very fluid and fun. Just wish there was... more time in the oven to make this good to say the least.