Finally had a chance to get back to these and this time we meet some more lovely ladies! Another lawyer and a singer! Her name sounds familiar...
Beware of spoilers ahead:
I dunno why it's surprising that we don't have footwear when we're walking around in a bathrobe, but I guess I kinda hoped we'd borrowed some slippers or something. Also we just ran straight out of Tagora's hive apparently, wow..
So sixteenth friend, I think?, enter Tyzias, whoops down she goes, impress cup holding skills. I really don't think we can claim being any cooler than someone standing around in a borrwed bathrobe. Also love the analogy that we weasled our way into the weasel mans heart. Not surprising that the gavels here are probably acctual weapons. Picking up papers, you know MC might have been iffy about this friendship but this is by far not the worst first meeting they've gone through. The worst part is having to play match up with letters you don't understand. They've picked up a little but not near enough yet. At least Tyzias is understanding about it and hey she knows Tagora! Also that we're clearly not a troll, I think she can be counted to the trolls who figured out MCs an alien. Yay! Praise for sorting shit right! And this wind has the worst timing! What's it even doing here? So rude!
Sorting things on the sidewalk so off to the bookhive it is! And while trying to stack shit to get there we lose a paper or we we're just so efficient and stacked it already, yeah that's it! Maybe, hopefully... "mmmmove it or lose it" is really funny in hindsight, Tyzias is probably the slowest teal we meet. Fair enough Tyzias "nerd caste" is pretty harsh. Wow, I think MC should be more concerned about the whole potentional bounty on their head but I guess that comment flew right over their head. Thank you Tyzias for not explaining that in detail I doubt I would have understood half of it. Is this the first time we hear about the government scrubbing everything to their liking? Think it might. Oh hey Tagora! And more praise, or I guess mostly a burn to Tyzias. Wonder if it's more of the teals or just Tyzias who uses Sore-gore? It's intresting that Tagora knows what Tyzias is doing. These two have a really fun dynamic, and yes we're invited back, sweet. Tyzias has one quadrant filled but that's all we'll hear about for ages. MC knows about Goregle Docs and have used them with who??? Who would be contacted through Goregle Docs? I feel so bad for Tyzias in this end, even a teal could be dead by a single paper.
Maybe we should just take a breather instead? Off we go, originally I kinda thought MC was leading Tyzias to the spaceship but nope it's an entierly knew location. An old watch tower MCs taken over, I love how the bg artist depicted it as a creature, it's so cute. Physical exertion makes Tyzias whiny. And a short description off the ancestors (at least what little anyone knows about them) and how everyones stuck doing the government mandated job or getting killed. I couldn't sum any off that up any better. Yeah can't exactly compare all of Earth to Alternia, shits still fucked here in some places and there's entierly to many places to say anyone definitive thing. The closest thing to an enligthend lifeform in all of HS is Bec. This part brings some really good advice. Also "small rattle of contentedness shakes in her throat" did Tyzias purr?
Seventeenth Friend Chixie. And start of finally realizing the need for some acctual clothes, it's a shame we'll never see MC in one of Elwurds leather jackets. The first time we see Chixie we get more of trolls making clicking noises that's soo cute <3 Oh shit choices already, being a decent person doesn't end well so I guess being asshole it'll have to be. Intresting that the first bad end makes MC sound like Zebruh.. Chixie's tiny she's not that young compared to other trolls we've meet but MC is "quiet a bit taller than her" how tiny is this girl? At least she's nice enough to give us some proper clothes, those are very needed. Too bad everythings too short to work without pants, except this random purple dress straight out of Problem Sleuth. Apparently it's not MCs style but at least it's better than the now very dirty bathrobe. Chixie comes back mad as hell but she's been crying. She got bumped. Oh no not this douchebag. Zebruh makes a return appearence, yep that's where Chixies name was familiar from. And he's still the same as always, a "Nice Guy" creep.
Chixies very quick to try to non verbally inform us not to tell Zebruh shit, doing so will lead you too a bad end, not much happens so let's just mind our own business. I don't what is sadder that Zebruh is Chixies only other fan or that they're all some form of Zebruh creepy... I love the scene where she runs off and then comes back to drag MC with her. And yup that's a third set of choices aren't we lucky? For once we're acctually extremly lucky both of these are good ends. To varying degrees of sad to satisfying. You can head for the bar, get some liquor (fair enough that it's soda these are insect aliens after all), find out the prescence of a give-a-shit-o-meter and charm another troll into what MC probably doesn't realize is a feelings jam on an acctual pile and everything. MC just keeps picking up diamonds left and right. Complaining time and drinking until Chixie passes out. This is sad, let's go for satisfying instead.
Do something! Something is getting a squirmy microphone (because of course it's somewhat alive) and a mask and telling a bunch of highbloods to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" nice. It's at this point MC knew they'd fucked up. No stopping Chixie though and rap battle it is. Chixie's damn good at it, if completly inexperienced. Chixie wins by a landslide, but a quick escape is safer cuz the opposition is MAD. The mask probably means Chixies safe but now she won't get any credit for this either. And after a lowblood in a hoodie and sunglasses (that might possibly be Dammek given the description) scares the crap out of them we get another good end a very nice hug!
As much as Chixies route ends well kinda worried she'll be dead because of it, or even more depressed than usually. SO another one for making lowbloods lifes worse, a lot less than Vikare's at least..
Either way I love these two they're absolutely amazing! <3<3<3