I have more of a mixed opinion on From the Ashes but since there is no mixed recommendation option, it does have more good then flat out "bad".
From the Ashes adds less of a "new quest" or "story-line" and more of a "new mechanic".
You can essentially dump a bunch of money into a very, very barebones city building sim. Your options honestly only extend as far as "What should I spend money on next?" and that's about it. You don't get to choose building placement. You don't get to decorate. It's all very simplified and boiled down. After a certain point in the progress of the village, you will start to make a profit, which can be useful to help maintain gear repair costs and eliminating the need for as many long hauls of full inventories to merchants to make your money, which is nice. The problem is, unless you cheese it by just waiting for the village to fund itself and fast forwarding through the rest or sleep functions between each repair, by the time you've got the village pumping out a good amount of money you're likely already way more than half way done with the game and the extra cash is borderline irrelevant at that point.
The good of the DLC is that it does allow you to recruit returning characters from side questlines to your village. It's cool to have some new dialog with them but I don't think it ever extended to more than 4 new lines of dialog per character, so you really aren't getting anything game changing plot wise there. On the other hand, you do get village judgements as the new Bailiff of the village. These are fun and can have positive or negative affects on your village based on your decisions. Probably the best part of the DLC. The DLC also adds some unique gear, mostly for horses (as well as unique horses) but if you're like me you probably never once even attempted mounted combat which makes the new horse armors immediately irrelevant outside of aesthetics and the new horses are barely better than already existing ones and are still vanilla in visual design, again, not a very attractive feature of the DLC.
Really what From the Ashes boiled down to for me was added convenience with adding new stores to the North part of the map to offload loot at and some barely useful passive income with some additional flavor text for the game. It's an okay DLC and if you can get it on sale it's honestly worth it, but for what it is, $6 feels steep. I highly doubt anything added by the DLC will be necessary to know for KCD2 outside of "Henry helped rebuild Pribyslavitz in KCD1; The End.". Meh.