It's alright. Some elements are kind of repetitive.
--Over the course of the game, you'll probably send 100+ groups of teachers to get training. At bear minimum, my suggestion for the game would be to have a "Repeat Trip" option to cut down clicks.
--The interface for selecting which lessons get taught to your classes is terrible. The controls are very imprecise and slippery. I'd suggest considering reducing the number of periods per day from 4 to 1-2. Each day is usually spent on a single subject, so we don't need 4 slots for each day (and each slot takes additional setup time).
--It seems hard to keep track of which additional class facilities you'll need.
--Pretty much nothing in the game happens on its own. Like, in Sim City, if your education score is low, you place a school and fund it and then the situation will gradually resolve itself. Or, in most games, employees will passively improve themselves a lot with experience. In this game, very few employees scale upwards, and what little scaling upwards happens, is because you send them to get proficiency boosts and then you send them to training. Pretty much everything takes a ton of ongoing clicks.
--Proficiency problems with teachers seem unintuitive. There seems to be some problem around large class sizes, but I have no idea when the problems start.
--I'd suggest allowing players to disable disasters. They're not fun at all and aren't great for the pace of gameplay. Spot-checking like 20+ rooms to find out which now have holes and dents in the walls is not great gameplay.
--The game automatically resets to 1x speed at the start of each new day. 1x is pretty slow in this game, so this feels anti-fun.
--I think it'd be cool if we had more control over our starting characters, like which class your headmaster and the assistant can teach. Some randomization over which student groups are nearby might also help for replay.
--Things which I'd like to be reminded of: a teacher making a demand, or an available music/sports competition I'm eligible to participate in. Or there's a facility I need to build to hold a class this semester. Or a facility has closed itself because it no longer has door access. Or a store/facility refusing to work because items/food menu have not been selected or staff have not been assigned.
--Things which I'd like to be reminded of less often: anything from rival headmasters. Speech opportunities (they take too much time/clicks for too little benefit).
--I like that the game is very flexible on sim pathing.
--When a repeatable technology is completed, the game automatically goes to repeat it. This is great automation. Automation pretty much everywhere else in the game, is terribly lacking. (The classroom auto-enrollment system is borderline okay, I guess, but even the slightest changes, like adding a classroom per year, to 5 communities will take like 20-30 clicks total).
--Instead of having players send like 100x busloads of teachers to get +10 training proficiency 3 at a time, I'd suggest also adding a more expensive +25 or +50 training proficiency option. Or maybe radically rethinking the training process to be generally more passive and less click-intensive. Maybe teachers might naturally improve themselves with experience and the proficiency score determines how quickly that happens? Maybe the training room could auto-enroll teachers like the Student Council auto-enrolls eligible students? (Maybe the player could get a limiting factor like "Spend no more than ____ $1000 ____ on auto-training sessions" or whatever).
--I'd suggest generally increasing the points awarded for graduating students or decreasing the points required to level up aspirations.
--Sports classes (mainly in level-3 Orange Performance Academy) are currently bugged to report that like everyone will fail your classes. But the actual pass rate will be higher than projected (there's some sort of known issue there). Even beyond this bug, teaching sports seems a lot harder than the other subjects. I'd guess my sports students are like 5x as likely to fail the test (maybe 5-10%) as their science/lit counterparts (1-2%). Also, sports facilities are the hardest to place (must be outdoors and really big relative to student count). Also, I'm not sure if this is random or what the causes are, but it seems like good sports professors are harder to find in the recruitment pool than science/literature.
--It doesn't seem like there's a way to determine which community a student comes from? So, if there's a problem, I don't know which community to invest into. So far, I've only been able to find which college a failing student is targeting, which doesn't tell me very much if you have like 5 of your communities targeting the same college.
--There appear to be late-game performance issues as the # of students increases. I've found that rejecting all pets helps a lot. Unfortunately, pets will auto-accept themselves if you don't click on the alert in time, which blows.
--Please get rid of the organization chart management. It is anti-fun and even if the concept were fun at all, the controls for dragging a facility from one manager to another totally blow. (Try dragging anything from manager #1 to manager #10. How many times did it take you to successfully pull that off? Why is the dragging feature so hard to execute?) Suggestion: this can probably be simplified to a total management score school-wide.