Disregarding the scummy practice of locking NG+ and other basic features behind a paywall, the actual content included in this DLC is plagued with issues.
The NG+ feature is very poorly implemented with it being nothing more than a basic carry-over of all of your gear and stats while otherwise treating it like a brand new save file. Basic features such as visiting Dondoko Island, the attack bonuses from drink links (follow ups, combo attacks, tag team moves), changing jobs, and Kiryu's Dragon's Resurgence all have to be unlocked again at the same point they are unlocked in the story, so a feature like Dragon's Resurgence isn't usable until after the halfway point of the game. One of the main joys of NG+ in any game is using a fully decked out kit to destroy enemies in a new playthrough, and the DLC more or less robs you of this. You get to keep the actual bond EXP and level, but to unlock the features tied to each of the 5 levels per character, you need to do the drink links again. There are 5 drink links for the 8 characters excluding the protagonists which means you have to sit through 40 events just to unlock the benefits of the attack bonuses you already grinded out in your first playthrough. They also aren't fully skippable with the dialogue choice sections creating these weird 5-10 second gaps that you're forced to sit through.
Additionally, this DLC pack touts all the cool costumes and outfits they added which admittedly are cool, but you cannot use outfits in the overworld in NG+ (a feature that gets unlocked in Premium Adventure). Couple this with the fact that I'm fairly certain that some people (including myself) like to stick to more canon outfits on a first playthrough means that it's very possible that you won't get much mileage out of these outfits at all.
As for the minigame items, the Sujimon pack trivialises an already easy but fairly significant side story by giving you these broken characters. The Dondoko island set gives you guests that require you to have a very high level resort to invite them which makes me scratch my head a bit. The purpose of these "headstart" type items is to help those who just want to unlock the benefits of finishing the minigame (fair bit of money, Orbital Laser, completion) speed things along but by the time I could invite these guests, I was only a cycle or two away from finishing the storyline anyway and with how many resources I had accumulated, my island was pretty much entirely taking care of itself at that point. If you really want to invite the main cast to your island, more power to you, but for those looking for actual statistical benefits for the minigame, I fear you probably won't find them here especially considering that Dondoko Island gets outpaced as a money source by the dungeons fairly quickly.
The balancing for Legend difficulty is a bit strange. I ended off the Hawaiian Haunt DLC from Premium Adventure at around lv 70, but the start of Legend appears to be balanced for high 70s. Additionally, when party members join and a battle immediately follows (like Nanba and Adachi at the start), they aren't immediately equipped with their best gear and instead use basic equipment which makes them take insane damage and deal little to no damage making them useless for these fights. The boss QTEs also don't seem to be balanced for the higher difficulty and will still deal 50 - a few hundred damage despite bosses now having thousands of HP. Item drops aren't rehauled for the new difficulty so you essentially just stock up on garbage gear and healing items which fills up your inventory and you're then prompted with a "Send to storage" prompt after every new item you collect unless you dump out all the bad gear. It was also hard to use new party members because they start off at the same level you finished your previous save file (~70) but the later game enemies will be in the 90s. In the base game, you just get later game party members at adequate levels but that adjustment wasn't made here so new party members become a bit useless unless you intentionally grind them out. These are all oversights that are ESPECIALLY damning when the NG+ feature is something you're forced to pay for.
Finally, for those expecting a TFMT equivalent from Like a Dragon through the Hawaiian Haunt dungeon, you won't really get that here. The entire dungeon is essentially just a set of hallways full of reused or reskinned enemies from the base game (inlcuding some thought entity bosses as seen in the TFMT), but they aren't particularly challenging. The enemy levels only go to around Lv 60-70 for your first playthrough from what I recall and it seems to be more of a money/EXP farm than a challenge. The TFMT was also a set of reskins, but the enemies were Lv 99 (which you can't really get from this dungeon unless you finish the entire game again in Legend difficulty) and individual fights combined reused enemies to create more interesting fights (such as the allies that Amon summons at the end). For such a massively improved combat system compared to LAD, it kind of sucks that we have nothing challenging to use it on. They market the "story" of the Big Swell but it's just a set of unvoiced 2-3 minute lighthearted interactions between the full cast of 10 which is cool to see but it's hard to really call it a "story". It's just a string of unrelated substory-quality animations that play after finishing each sector without any real conclusion beyond "Okay I guess we're done with that now". Also, this is more of a personal gripe but I wasn't really overly invested in the scenes solely because of the dramatic and emotional ending of the main story being followed by this dungeon where they seem to act as though none of that happened (for good reason admittedly, but I still found it hard to enjoy because it felt so fake and disjointed).
All in all, despite being a massive fan of Infinite Wealth, I can't really recommend this DLC even beyond the garbage practice of making NG+ a paid feature.