The Hunger story DLC is Midnight Suns' third DLC pack which introduces Morbius to the team and further expands on the Vampyre arc.
With the constant threat of Sin's forces ever present, Spider-Man believes the team may need an expert on the subject. With a cautious Blade following, the pair discover Morbius examining a dead Turned Hydra soldier. As tension flares between the two vampires, more Turned Hydra and Vampyres reveal themselves as the trio make way to Morbius' lab.
Morbius' play-style is like that of Captain Marvel's. His Bloodlust builds and activates in the same way as her Binary. Using cards generates stacks of Bloodlust until Morbius is able to enter a controlled state. This state is removed just like Binary if Morbius loses all Block. While Bloodlust is active, Morbius inflicts Bleed with any attack or heroic cards played. This pairs extremely well with Blade (to a degree that Morbius and Blade should be ran together at all times) as the Daywalker has synergies with targets inflicted with Bleed. The amount of Morbius' cards needed to be played before Bloodlust is available is reduced the higher your friendship level with him. A high friendship also allows for one extra stack of Bleed to be inflicted with any attack or heroic card while Bloodlust is active.
I have to say that Morbius is my absolute favourite DLC addition when it comes to combat. He easily ranks as one of my favourite heroes strictly for how much damage Bloodlust can do in the background with Bleeds as well as having a skill card to make a minion (upgraded to ANY enemy) and make them attack an ally. Only one other character can have such an ability, and that's on an Exhaust card for The Hunter, with some mention of their Berserk inflicting card but that comes with degrees of risk.
Talking with Morbius opens up many stories of his work, the blood condition he lived with prior to becoming the Living Vampire as well as the risks he took and the necessity of taking risks and what sets him apart from the typical vampire.
Morbius also comes with one of the more powerful Abbey upgrades with his lab. The lab allows for bonus stat allocation to heroes but at the detriment of losing other bonus stats. With a basic lab you have smaller stat increases of common and rare tiers, the upgrade allowing for massive epic and lengendary stat boosts with great cost to them.
Example would be you could give Hulk +50 in the Strength stat but he'll suffer a -30 Willpower stat for it. This can be useful for min/maxing stats on certain heroes. Nico as an example of min/max doesn't have any cards revolving around Knockback so she won't require a Strength boost. So if she takes a stat decrease to her Strength, there's no real loss. The stats don't go below zero so the player is free to juice her other stats and use Strength as a dump stat. Morbius also comes with the Dread Mark combat item card which inflicts reinforcing enemies with Marked for two turns, allowing for free card play refunds on stronger enemies if they get KO'd.
Morbius also comes with two additional outfits, a classic appearance from comics as well as his original Midnight Sons outfit back when the Suns were the Sons during the 90s series of comics.
As a fan of Morbius in combat and seeing the immense value of his lab in terms of altering hero stats along with the daily training, i think that The Hunger is a must have DLC pack.
Oh, forgot to add that in the final story mission of Midnight Suns, there is a "Morb" joke when talking to him. Need i sell this DLC any more?