On paper, everything about this game seems great. The problems stem from the developers and their treatment of this game.
The absolute worst choice was to make user levels temporary. I think your levels only last in the rotation for 2 weeks, with ways to extend that to maybe a month? Why not just keep them all in rotation, but decrease the odds of older maps? Oh right, because BHVR really like for their players to be forced to grind, see their other games.
In this game, the only currency that you won't have a surplus of is Cells (the red one). Cells are needed to unlock new weapons/suits/guards/traps, upgrade anything mentioned in the previous point, and also if you want to activate a temporary buff to see statistics about maps on the worldmap (trap/guard count, top 2 most used traps/guards). Have Cell drop rates been improved much since launch? Not really: you can now get a slight amount from daily challenges + each map 'sector' will usually have 1 "free space" (worth about 1 map). Sadly, the latest weapons/suits/traps/guards (and their upgrades) added cost 2-3x the price of the older ones.
Because the maps are in rotation for such a short amount of time, builders are encouraged to make very spammy bases to generate Cells. The most common spam bases you will find are either: a chokepoint leading into a large room filled with tons of ranged traps and guards ("kill boxes"), or a maze with the roof being acid cubes dripping all over the floor. The latter is more personally annoying, as you are forced to low-jump at all times to minimize your time on the floor.
After a while you've seen a million of these and my solution was to just abandon them on sight, hoping to find a quality map. And there are some very, very cool maps. Very pretty ones, detailed or themed ones, or ones with a really fun idea/challenge to them. The problem is that most of the great ones are out of rotation by now, so playing them will earn you NOTHING.
I should have learned my lesson from Deathgarden, BHVR's game before this that was killed within a year (like this one). It seems that any game that isn't a money printer (DBD) is just pumped and dumped. Take these last few 'season' updates: maybe a few sentences, and 1-4 lazy recolors.
The developers gave up on this game after anniversary. There is no reason to buy this game at full price as there will be no new (actual) content.