Oh boy... Where to even start with this one... First of all I'm gonna be nice and say everything i liked before i go on a titanic rant about the millions of small and big things in this game that bothered me to no end, and also just left me with a sour feeling when i was done. It is an incredible game in some ways and a failure in others so let's get down to it.
First the gameplay is functional and you can easily get into a fun rhythm of resource grinding, crafting and then selling your things while progressing the story along slowly. It's quite easy but i don't think that's an issue, it feels like it wants to be a casual experience for everyone.
Second it looks gorgeous, it's a really cute style that i personally like a lot, and i also loved the focus on more rural japanese culture and cats in particular. Love me some cats.
Also i liked some of the characters quite a bit, like Miyako and Mineko's blossoming friendship, the Lulu girl and the Tomori? Scientist daughter girl. Quite cute characters.
Gonna preface everything i'm about to say with i did enjoy myself most of my time with the game and i am gonna recommend it in the end but i think a lot of these things i'm gonna mention are inexcusable for a game that has been out for almost a year. This is gonna be a long list of me ranting and some are small mistakes while others are giant and in no particular order cause i can't be bothered. I hope these things gets fixed with time, but this was how the game was when i played it.
1: There was so much clipping in this game of my character just getting covered by background objects and random parts of the map where the walls would just overlap my character.
2: Half the time when you shovel the animation just doesn't start. This also happened several times with picking stuff up, petting cats, building so on
3: Sounds would bug out and just not play at all randomly.
4: I have no idea why the game doesn't have a "select amount" option so you can only sell ALL of your stuff or 1, there is no inbetween, Same with buying items in bulk i can only scroll through the numbers one at a time... So frustrated. Also you can only squeeze one fish at a time? Why not just have a squish all option when you have a discard all one? I don't get why these systems are so selective in being good and having lots of options and some are just crap. Fix this please make it universal that all have all options...
5. It is actually inexcusable that this game doesn't have a hard save in the menu and you can only save by going to bed and rolling forward to the next day. Especially since the game randomly froze for me on 3 separate occasions, during the evening so i lost my entire days work because it rolls me back to the morning. Please add a manual save option or fix your shit so it doesn'y crash or freeze in the middle of the gameplay without the game autosaving... It's so frustrating i almost refunded this game twice.
6. I don't get the end so spoilers ahead
Why does the town and Nico just go back to before we fly there with the balloon after you finish the game but it's clearly after it since the balloon is there and you have the mask. Why is villagers so dumb and just repeating the same dialogue over and over again? Bobo keeps telling me he swear he saw him even right before the end game, please make your npcs more immersive...
7: The dialogue was WAY to verbose, there is just way to much flavor text and unimportant random crap thrown into the dialogue, that makes it unbearable to sit through and honestly i just skipped through most of it cause it was so badly written and there was soo much of it.
8: Give me the kimono and black cat outfit to wear in gameplay and not just the plays at the night market >_>
9: The post endgame grind is so annoying and i wish i hadn't bothered honestly. You can't skip the night market so you have to sit through 4 separate night market's to go forward a season if you need a specific fish or snack for the museums. Please just allow me to skip a season or the night market after i complete the game.
10: On that note the night market forces you to participate in the main event every single time, and you can't skip it. Also you have to do the 2 laps in the race or the game just stops and everyone is frozen until you do it. Also you can just run the opposite direction and still win which i find funny. Also also you can still win and get the trophies even if you lose all the events and suck at them on purpose which is a bit lame. Why even bother trying when i just get pity points.
11: the crafting for wood and sewing in particular was so finnicky at times and just made me not wanna bother doing them, also i don't get why the npcs just don't want certain items. I had like 7 different items at the end that i crafted 2 seasons ago and no one would buy them at the market???
12: Lastly while the agent sequences had their moments most of them were lame and repetetive. Please just make some more variety with them. Also they could have made more mini games for harvesting,
If you can live with these yeah sure i recommend, but if you find any of this annoying skip this until it's fixed or get it on sale, or something.