Cute visuals are outweighed by random CTDs and issues with AI collision detection. Moo Moo Move could have been a solid game had it received a few patches and more content, but even an issue as minor as the final achievement unlocking upon initial startup was never addressed. Rather, the developers saw fit to have one decent sale and then make the game Free.
There are 21 levels total, with one hour-long play through all of them enough to 100% the achievements if that's what you're going for. I daresay earning three stars on all of the levels would be next to impossible though as cows love getting stuck on fences, then hopping over your horse and rocketing back the way they were just herded from. Later levels see a catapult function added, which if you're unlucky will drop all your cows on top of each other and cause the silly things to lock up until you ride a ways away from them.
I crashed out of Moo Moo four separate times, along with two lockups during level loading. Audio sometimes breaks for no apparent reason, and two levels contain weirdly loud bird chirping. Visuals and controls on the other hand are good, kind of surprising honestly. Closing the game though must be done via Task Manager as they couldn't be bothered to add an Exit button.
If you're curious, it's Free and an easy 100% although the confidence metric being left on the store page means this one will never count towards your completed games list.