i beat this game in exactly 90 minutes
WAY too short. There are like 4 things to do in this game. I wish there was more. I'm gonna check out the original NSO now. But the game is pretty good for what it is.
You can download this and beat it in the time it takes to go on a (relatively short) roadtrip. If you have a laptop, a phone hotspot with good cell data, and $9.00, then I would recommend you do exactly that.
Edit: I originally "recommended" this game, so if the above text seems overly negative, just keep that in mind.
Now that I've played this game some more, I bet it was made in roughly the same amount of time that I beat the game. The window title for ENDLESS NIGHTMARE (no spoilers on how you get it) is literally just "A GameMaker Game" (at least on Windows).
Also, there is almost no content in the typing section of the game (which is the primary aspect as far as I can tell.) I might change my review when this game gets better, I've heard good things about Needy Streamer Overload and it seems like a well-made game. I hope that carries over to this game someday.
Here's every major thing I can tell that's wrong with this game:
1. The keyboard timing for wall jumps is way too precise.
2. The keyboard timing for long jumps is also too precise.
3. The game is too short.
4. The game is too hard if you have one life, and too easy if you have three.
5. The cutscenes for all the levels are the exact same thing.\
6. When typing words, no punctuation marks appear, even if KAngel says that there are punctuation marks in the word you're supposed to spell. (ex. haiiii :3 becomes haiiii3) The words are alphanumeric.
7. You have way too much time to type 3 characters.
8. I know this is a game about typing internet slang, but the typing feels completely unnatural. I failed three times on the final stage of the typing portion of the game, on words I could fairly easily type in a few seconds. This may be a skill issue, but it still feels too hard.
9. There are too many options for lives. At *most*, you should be able to choose between 1-9 lives and infinite lives. In reality, you can choose between every odd number between 1 and 31, and infinite lives.
10. You can choose infinite lives. I get that games should be accessible, but there are other ways to do it than making the game impossible to lose. If you're having such a bad day that you fail with 31 lives, then there are bigger problems in your life.
11. This game has almost nothing to do with Needy Streamer Overload, besides the characters. This is coming from someone who has never played Needy Streamer Overload, so I shouldn't be able to tell there's anything wrong.
Finally, I have to say, even though I was overly critical of this game (and even though I could probably have made this myself in the coding platform Scratch, given a month and the art for the game), it isn't the worst thing on Steam. If you have 8 dollars, and you're genuinely excited for this game, don't let my criticism keep you from buying this.
My only real problem is that this game feels rushed. If WSS Playgrounds had spent a few years on this game, like I presume they did with NSO, then it could have been great. But it simply isn't.