I can't recommend this in good faith. I'm all for devs getting a bag, but I got it on sale and I feel ripped off. Selling this at $15 is a disgrace, either the devs, the publisher or both should be ashamed.
I'm bored out of my mind looking and walking around this house, interacting with meaningless things that give meaningless dialogue that amount to nothing in the end. Like I get that this is a concept and a story that resonates somewhat with the developers. But it doesn't go anywhere. It's all just whining and whinging and doesn't feel fulfilling whatsoever. There's this vaguely supernatural ideas, including a strange orb that shows up and all it does is let you change the camera's perspective so you can look all around areas. But then nothing else is even remotely done with this idea in an otherwise completely grounded game and story. Why? and why in god's names in what is basically a visual novel does the text skip after 5 seconds of being on screen. maybe i just dont want to read the text crawl ffs, what is wrong with you
The nicest things I can say is that the presentation is very nice, sans the character models. The way parts of the scenes transition in and out is really cool. I actually really liked the whole "Among the Leaves" section, even if it was short. The idea of characters inter-cutting and adding their own and dialogue and opinions on something was solid too, even if it doesn't happen for 75% of the game.
Don't buy this shit. Watch a playthrough on Youtube or something. If you want to have a good hour and a half experience, go buy something like Post Void. It's $3 and actually fun