In the time I've played this clan (my last 43 wins and an unknowable number of soul-crushing and embarrassing losses, I feel that I've become qualified to state a couple opinions for my friends who might consider buying rat. Rat is good. There is a meta way to play rat if you're into that, but if you just want to bot stomp, rat is a very fun clan. Where it has left my friends upset in bot stomps is my inability to be both early and strong militarily. I can either get a presence up quickly, or I can have a presence that stays. I think it is a fun clan in much the way I enjoyed horse, and at this point don't much care about the words of my detractors. The main thing is it is a playable clan as an economy clan or a military clan, and if you're patient (don't get your face rushed in by a real military clan), you can even have big units stomping around beating up everything, which is nice.
rat good
buy rat