Extremely powerful clan at rushing and clearing, overall the mid game bonuses pay off when you eliminate other clans or stick with your team and attack later. 9/10.
What Mechanics/Game play I like:
Rushing, allows you to gain a decent army (10-16 units) early 802 and crush most late game clans.
The clan is not dependent on your economy, for example you get every resources (including lore, stone, and iron) from caches and can maintain a few units without loosing too much food over time.
You can also get an upgraded "scout camp" (Apiary) before your first winter ends so they have a much easier time at their progression than other hard to master rush clans.
If your playing on 3v3's and you don't start with a treasure you can simply "steal" it from one of the neutral zones close to your allies.
What I don't like/What they need to improve:
Extremely RNG clan; if you don't have enough money caches or you don't have enough fox burrows your money will suffer and thus you will have a smaller army.
Terrible in FFA; Despite people trying, it is very hard to win as eagle in FFA even if you're able to take out 3 or 4 clans near the start.
No fame when colonizing zones; this is used to make sure that you don't exploit the clan and make it the new stag, but in games where the RNG is bad then you will not be able to get the fame you need.