I hate this faction I hate that I paid for it. The timer on this faction is insane. The fact that it speeds up as you go is stupid. At first when you own like 2 or 3 areas it's fine. When I have 10 areas and I am being attacked and people want upgraded houses then all of a sudden a stealth rebellion that they don't even notify you of on the left hand side is worthless in a game like this. I like the concept a lot, but and instant game over when you fail it one is stupid. the thralls should just stop listening to you forcing you to kill a villager and loose dragon benefits not half my work force rebels and now I'm screwed and should just quit because I can never financially recover from the amount of slaves I just lost. On top of this you get the most restricted military out there. The best part of the military is the first perk which makes it so that all units do double damage alone. Focused my Scout on a Jotun and he hits for 4 damage. Solos armies. Other than that it's garbage, unless you can micro manage it perfectly, then it's alright; not good or great like many of the other clans, just alright.