Andrhimir the Gordon Ramsey of the Viking Cuisine
I figured I wanted to write reviews for all clans and I didnt really know when it would be a good time to lay down my view. At this point I only wrote a couple of words about the major story expansion but not the rest of the game. So here we go I think i figured a good opportunity.
So for those of you who are knew to the world of Northgard. Northgard is a RTS with a mixture of surving the harsh and could lands of the island northgard and beating other clans in very ways. Each clan represant unique features and playstyle build arround there own lore. While the base game has a few clans Shiro Games provided us the players with many additional clans per paid DLC of the time of like what six years now. Ratatoskr the clan of the Squirrel is one of those. And this clans has never been my first choice.
So in order find a good moment for this line to be written I wanted achieve a couple of things. Obviously I needed to play a few rounds with it. Bear in mind I dont play agianst players. I more off a together against AI type of player. So dont take my words for the choice if you want to play ranked or online matches. So in order to determain the eligibility to write a review by my terms is defined by the following. I needed to beat the PvE Mode Conquest on the highest difficulty with this clan. Well I did after many tries and attempts in coop with a friend.
So lets start first what does this DLC offer beside a clan to play. Well you get to use the clan in any mode like Conquest ore the upcoming bifrost mode. Both PvE Gamemodes that force you to overcome special conditions and offer additional boni to enlighten gameplay beyond the usual boundaries the game has. For example increasing the quality of meals beyond the standard 3 or allowing building to ignore certain restrictions. Its a fun mode that present a good amount of challenges along the way.
Other than this without this clan you cant get a 100% completion in achievements. Each clan has there own achivements with the grindy one being you achieveing 50 victorys in battle.
I think you all wanna know at this point what is it that Ratatorsk offers as a clan. Its the first clan with there own victory condition. The clan is about cooking and preparing various meals. Kitchen replace the tavern and instead of barmans you have cooks offering different meals with different boni. By fame and wisdom the timer and power of those buffs can be increased. Those buffs range from simple production buffs all the way to military buffs. The downside of this is that the clan needs to collect additional ingridients that are passively produced by kitchen on different tiles. On top the clan suffers the most in winter. With representing the squirrle hording food the month before and than going into hibernation the clan has pretty big problems during the winter month and this prove fatal within some conquest missions. Other than that preparing the banquet of valhalla present you with your victory. You only need to gather enoug ingridients, some food and have the amount of cooks and kitchen equaling a franchise and the great victory meal will be prepared. It takes a couple of month time for your enemies to stop you from doing this. Closing up behind the clans borders is what this clan does pretty well. Outside of this the clan is relatively weak.
While in conquest some high military mission felt impossible to achive with this clan and mos of my conquest mission did allowed me to perform my own victroy. Forcing me to play the weakside of the clan For most of the time. The worst to mission I had where to protect a weaker "little brother" from being inialted by three opposing extreme ai that cheat in recource and army power. Even having a friend playing ox clan which can fight this prove a challenge taking more attemps that we could count so save the little one. Its been a torture to do this with squirrel and I am not going to play this clan for awhile in the future now. As long as I am not allowed to my own victory atleast this clan will be a last choice.
A couple of things up for change and oh boy do clans change often in this game. I wouldnt be surprised if this clans get a rework in the future. Other clans did more than once within my two years of playing this game. So a couple of things that could be improved. I figure that the lore is weird. The good ones are hiden late behind and the bad one like one time lores are used early own. The clan suffers when behind and comback is really hard with this one. And villagers are a good reccourse to make food, as small as this is. The clan needs food and with hibernation consuming more food that other clans in winter its hardly bearable to have villager be cooks and produce happyness. Reminder that in order to win with its own condition you need 8 cooks, which is 4 stoves. A loot of villager not creating food.
Other than that the Relic is not that good. Its not bad, but other are far better and the clan could use some good bridge between early and late game.
Squirrel is this fun type of clan that goes along well with good moments together with friends. Its not a perticular strong clan on its own but in a good team you will be able to perform rather well. Conquest provided me with some fun boni like allowing me to spam my warchief after death essentially using him as shark bait in war or to wittle down larger wolf an fox sized till they crumbled to dust.
So for me this clan will be the Gordon Ramsey of Northgard. The meals look tasty and getting buffs from it proves a good hearthy meal can defeat any enemy. Maybe one day I share this with my clan mates.