This expansion takes the "resources management" concept to a whole new level.
For starters, relying on the dug resources or available liquid pockets is a suicide; you can do this in the base game for couple hundred cycles without breaking a sweat, but doing so in spaced out is punishable by death (literally, your colony will die). You have to design your colony around the available geysers and never expand beyond their output amount.
Beside space travel casual challenges, interplanetary resources transport is another challenge to address. Different planets are the sources of different resources that will, definitely, be needed on another planets; and I'm not talking about one time shipment, I'm talking about continuous supply for essential resources. So, maintaining a rigid supply chain between planets is an essential task that poses a lot of challenges to tackle.
A relevant issue is that some planets will lack critical resources (some planets lack water!), and importing these resources from other planets are not always an option; either because you need these resources to reach these planets or the colony will die before you access these resources and bring them back. This forces you to come up with creative designs to substitute the missing resources that are different to the designs you are used to in the base game. Fortunately, the new resources and buildings provides you with interesting tools to do so. In another words, you are not left to die, but you have to get out of your comfort zone of well known designs.
These challenges may be fun for some people and may be annoying and frustrating for others. And I admit, theses challenges became stressful at some times specially when you encounter them for the first time but once you figure it out, you will enjoy beating these challenges.