(With 3 game transfers down from the original zen pinball, and no tables carrying over between any game, all old table reviews will be unrecommended as will the main game)
Let me prethis this review. My little pony was once good, in it's current form, it is not. But that can be said for many children's shows. The fandom, however, around my little pony is concerning, middle aged men should not be zerking off to the same thing a 3 year old is watching for entertainment. Even worse is when a show creator leans in to the middle aged zerk off fandom harder.. That then becomes very f*cking weird... So the question becomes who is this table for?
Answer, me but maybe not you. My Little Pony for Pinball FX is a good table, it's plays well, it has interesting modes, it's simple but also encourages skill, it flows most of the time. I would argue it's a very very good begginer table (not anywhere near as good as mars... Bring back mars... mars deserves better) if you can get past it's theming and the inhearant fandom themes that come with thos table without feeling gross. I fortunately can look a children's IP as just that, a childrens IP, so for me the table is recommended, i can also understand how someone couldn't do that, and absolutely wouldn't recommend it to you, but those people also probably wouldn't purchase the thing in the first place so you're going to see a lot of positive reviews for something that by all accounts should be receiving bang on middling average reviews. So yes I do recommend, for people who value a varied pinball experience, and I don't for people who already arent and won't be purchasing this.