Highly recommended. very unique and creative design. I can see developers effort in balancing out singleplayer and multiplayer mode which is very nice.
Benefit from singleplayer : Very easy to get 3 star in all stages compare to coop mode. I feel like I get better score in singleplayer mode by a lot. Plus everytime player try to throw a trashes stack in the trash car to get score/money combo. that trashes stack will try to calibrate its direction to get in the trash car if your throw miss the trash car by a little bit, resulting in less punishment game play. All boss fight and "no death" stage quest is easier in singleplayer too as boss has less hp and a chance of player die is lower (only 1 player). And there is a way too "heal" player in the stage but only heal 1 player who activate it.
Disadventage of singleplayer : your coop friend will be replaced with da cute robot which cant help you fight enemies. it can only help you collected some trashes and sometimes try to throw them at you (sometimes it miss making all robot's trash stack loss)
Benefit from Coop : Yay fren :D Imma telling you seeing your freind throwing a trashes stack of 20+ trashes to the trash car and miss is the most funny and devastating thing you will find in this game. you will may have that little heart attack everytimes you try to throw your trashes stack at your friend and hope they dont miss it. it will very satisfied if you can get all those 20+ trash combo in trash car in one shot (hardly happen in singleplayer since robot is dumb:P) making trash combo quest easier to make. A lot of quest is much easier to do in coop mode such as "do this X thing under X seconds", "collect all X things in this stage". Also every players can choose thier own starting weapon to help each other fight enemies!
Disadventage from Coop : Score is harder to get in all stage make 3 stars per stage harder to get. And in coop mode, player need to aim trashes to trash car before throw them with "100%" accuracy since trashes wont magnet itself to the trash car like in singleplayer mode. Making "no hit from X enemy" quest is harder since there are more players. A lot of trick can also be performed easier in coop mode. For example, some zones in the stage wont "move forward" if all enemies havent been eliminated. so players kill all enemies except one and let one player juggling that enemy while other players collect all the trash in high combo way. another thing is some stages has unique puzzle you have to complete to move to the next zone and enemies will try to interrupt you a lot from doing that puzzle. your friend can help defense you from them so you can do those puzzles much quicker.
Bosses : All bosses have their own gameplay mechanic in very interesting and creative way. most of them work around the "trash" idea. So player can just dps kill all boss and make all bosses kill bored. But at the same time all those mechanic gameplay arent too hard to do.
The graphic and art style is very nice. A lot of different cultures and themes can be seen in the game. Music is good for its scrapper theme. it support remote play and controller perfectly for me and my brother. have a lot of fun. No regret at all 10/10:)
Suggestion : there is an enemy with "stun" attack pattern ( red flying lantern ). If 2 of them attack a player at the perfect timing, it will perma stun that player and make them die with no way to fight back. any solution to duel with that would be nice.