October 2014 - Very Important Update:
Corruption, Money Scam
Im a big player of Total Anihilation and especially Supreme Commander-Forged Alliance, im a huge fan and loyal long time player, this is my view of the game so far.
Is this game worth buying right now? No
What about later? No
Why? It's unfinished, claiming to be a completed work when we all know this is still a beta. There's missing effects, units, customization and more. Saying that the game is ready to be sold, is rubbish, its not, they just needed another bulk of cash to carry on developing. Remember all this is just my opinion but it is based on facts that even recently have come to light.
In-depth information.
Graphics: 3/10
To allow for many amounts of units on the screen at once, polygon-count has been shredded, where most units and structures appear extremely square-ish, textures also greatly simplified to a huge extent. It looks really bad. I think i appreciated Supreme Commanders dramatic wars a lot more because of the quality of the image and units. Advantage is, you dont need a mega-computer to run this game smoothly, but i still feel like the quality has been destroyed too far. Many negative points for many effects being completely missing from the game. Remember a planet colliding and blowing up in the trailor? theres no effect for that in the actual game...it's unfinished.
Sound: 3/10
The repeated low quality sounds become very overly repetetive, with all units in the game having nothing to say but a mechinical noise, where only the engineer tank makes any unique noises, and the weapon firing sound effects for all units feel completely impactless, there's no OOMPH! or quality. The orchestral music isnt so bad, but it is short lived as there is no variation or multiple tracks. EVERY game features the same, SINGLE interchanging track based on wether youre incombat or drinking a beer etc.
Gameplay: 2/10
After all the wait and all the multipl intakes of cash Uber Entertainment conned out of us, we got scraps. Where in short, the person who Mashes the mouse button the fastest AND wins a Decision based Dice-roll, rather than the smartest and most strategic player is going to be the winner of the game. You cannot speed up and slowdown gameplay (like in Supreme Commander) to allow for real strategy, instead, the winning formulae is to build as much as you can, as fast as you can (mash that mouse button! yeeaah!) of something to Zerg rush your opponent in ALL games. There's no strategy whatsoever than 'Send units directly to enemy'. The ability to smash moons and planets together is broken, where even some games end with EVERYONE losing, because early in the game, your planet 'naturally' (not caused by players) smashes with another one before ANYBODY including hard AI has a chance to leave the planet...meaning the entire game was a pointless waste of time right from the beginning.
With Land > Sea > Air > Orbital >Artillery > Nukes > Forced Planetary destruction giving too many things to possibly build to defend against all of them, the whole games boils down to who plays the fastest from the beginning, and what choice or units you build at the beginning, in a Rock-Paper-Scissors-Stapler-Pencil-Rubber-Glue-EverybodyLoses style gameplay.
In short, it feels pointless to play a game where you know who's won in the first 5 minutes. THERES NO STRATEGY HERE WHATSOEVER, it's all about mashing the mouse button.
Overall: 3/10
The idea of what this game can become, is fantastic, but it is greatly undermined by being unfinished, unbalanced, and not anywhere near ready for consumption, and currently not worth that asking price. My advice is to play Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance against AiX (super hard cheating AI) if you want 'actual' large scale war that involves STRATEGY in order to overcome a tough challenge. It breaks my heart as a massive fan and lover of the other 2 games to say it :( This is not a RTS, just a button masher. AVOID.
1. Give people the option like in Supreme Commander to SpeedUp and SlowDown gametime. We all have different physical playing speeds and bodily/mental fingerclickin limitations. It's not skill or strategy (i cannot state that enough), Planetary Annihilation is just speedclicking in it's current state. Its like giving a button-masher the championship-title in a Street Fighter tournament, it just aint how it goes.
2. Scale. Planets, are so small that it takes away the ability to create strategies on the ground level.
3. Defenses. Most turrets are pointless, they cannot stop much, and are too squishy. The most concerning defensive structure you gave us...is the wall...It is too easy to shoot around and many air units, orbital units and launchers and artillery and (long list of other things) simply ignore Walls. Remove these pointless walls that dont do anything, and replace them with Shield technologies.
---UPDATE - 2014 9th OCTOBER---
It has been announced that Uber are teaming up with the creators of Super Monday Night Combat (another piece of unfinished junk) to create another strategy game, when this game isnt finished by a huge mile. Breaking their Kickstarter contract to complete what was stated they were going to do.
At this point i can sadly say that this is all just a money scam at this point, to rush out a crappy game using kickstarter even though they already have the money squeezed from the fans of Supreme Commander. This is just greed, and full corruption even below EA standards. THIS COMPANY IS SCAMMING YOU, AVOID ALL GAMES.
Uber Entertainment have gone very low into corruption. This game is nowhere near finished, and we the people are now being stabbed in the back after supporting their game with an unfinished product, and being shaked for more money on a new kickstarter for another game when they already have the money they robbed from you the fans.
There has been a great deal of drama over the internet on this, and i (once a hugely loyal fan) am saddened to have to agree...All trust has been lost, take my advice and do not do any further business with these swindlers. DO NOT FEED THEM MONEY ON KICKSTARTER. Its a scam, they already have taken tonnes of YOUR cash to be able to afford development of the next game. They want cash, for nothing.
Discluding the crappy campaign mode which only consisted of copy/paste skirmishes, this is what Uber Entertainment have done:
-Stolen over $1.1 Million in Kickstarter Fraud.
-Stolen (by leaked rumours) around $16 million from Steam/Game fans in sales of a broken & unfinished game that does not meet the Kickstarter declarations.
-Abandoned the game to a small team to do patchwork, breaking their Kickstarter contracts.
-Instead of using the stolen cash to develop the new game 'Human Resources' , setup another Kickstarter so YOU have to pay for it.
Expect further fraud and broken contracts. This is large scale fraud that deserves headlines in every game magazine (where the hell are you guys...you call yourselves journalists?)
Uber Entertainment should be Boycotted.
'Human Resources' canceled, the fans responded with great power behind their lack of donations. Human Resources was boycotted & the fans have been given a slight piece of Justice.
May Planetary Annihilation now be properly developed on...probably not.
Either way, they should be banned from using Kickstarter in the future for taking the money and abandoning the game before the contract was complete. Thats fraud on a massive scale that needs an appropriate response.