The nameless Prince is back, having acquired a curse from his previous adventure and has to find a way to cheat his death, can he do it?
Throwing in a grimmer and darker tone, Warrior Within successfully differentiates from the awesome first game, that is The Sands of Time, while at the same time maintains what made the latter great.
Putting that into detail, the game kept the original's acrobatics and combat system mostly the same, with a few improvements, most notably the 2-weapon style, which added some variety in combat.
Present are also the time rewinding abilities, which made the first game so good and innovative.
The story, too, is mostly well written, with a nice big time twist, that could have been made into a movie.
The platforming element is also there and as always it was really good, since a mistake could cost you your life, where it not for the time abilities, of course. This made the game feel real and suspenseful, compared to modern action games, where the platforming is often scripted and seems like a waste of time.
The tone and atmosphere, as I wrote above, where much much darker and depressive, which was also seen in the characters' language and in the soundtrack, which used a heavy-metal note.
Speaking of that, another one of the game's positive elements is the appearance of a scary monster that chases you in parts of the game, the Dahaka! Running from it, while using acrobatics and listening to Godsmack's "I Stand Alone" was truly great and even made my heart beat really fast when I first played it, many years ago.
As usual, the game is not without its flaws. The biggest issue I had was the combat system, which, like I said borrows from the first game, but unfortunately despite being stylish and cool, is also repetitive, dull and even glitchy at times.
Speaking of glitches, there are some game breaking ones that Ubisoft never cared to fix.
I got into one many years ago in the PS2, where a cutscene wouldn't load and had to start the game from scratch and similarly run into another one this time, where a future game event got mixed with my current progress and had to do it all again... argh! Thankfully I wasn't that far in the game, always remember the golden rule of gaming: save often!
All that said, Warrior Within is a very good game and a worthy successor of the Prince of Persia name, with enough elements and innovations to keep you interested, be sure to find the time to play it someday.