It's okay. They didn't record any new dialogue for any story NPCs, just slotted the Lee brothers' new lines into existing conversations as best they could, so the base game's issue of stuff not always making sense gets worse. Also, be aware that if loading them into an existing game, they both start at level 1. They don't retroactively get the benefit of having chunks of XP and money from sidequest completion and bosses just accruing in the background like the base and unlockable characters do, so if you're already on New Game+ with tougher enemies, you're really gonna get your ass kicked in the beginning unless you've got the secret shop items to cheese it with until you can power up a little.
There are also some odd choices in dialogue scenes where the expression of the character art really doesn't seem to match the emotion they're going for with the line. A personal nitpick is that the expression for Billy's sprite kind of clashes with the way they've written him. In his dojo and his dialogue, he's very zen and mellow, but his sprite has the same sort of snarling, "LET'S FUCK SHIT UP" grin all the time that Jimmy does, and it just looks out of place on this interpretation of the character.
All that being said, they're fun. They have cool moves with some sick combo potential, while Arin and Dan are clearly having a blast performing them. If you're the type of person who loved maxing out all the characters in the base game and playing with their different styles, $8 feels worth it for two new characters, especially if you have friends to play it with and you're looking for an excuse to replay it.