This is what I have been wanting for over 30 years: A remake of River City Ransom that expands on the original. The NES game did a great job of world building, and this game expands on it. If you know the NES game well, it takes getting used to learning the Japanese names for people. Alex's real name is Kunio, Ryan's real name is Riki, Simon / Slick is Yamada, etc. This game does explain a lot of things that weren't really explained in the NES game.
The negative reviews of this game is due to a lag in pressing a button and action being taken by the character. Sometimes the character wouldn't respond to button presses. This issue has been fixed. This game was a port of a Nintendo 3DS game, so getting it to PC and working wasn't a simple copy and paste job. They did update the game so the lag isn't there anymore and the game is fully playable.
Only complaint I have is that we don't have the free smile from Merv's Burger Joint and Hack' Chicken Shack from the NES games. The shops from the NES games aren't there anymore. There's some shops but it doesn't feel the same. Gone are Mao's place, Chez Walle's, Amy's Sweet Tooth, etc. I used to like imagining what the stories behind those places were, and what kinda customers frequented those places.
There is also a bonus game, which is a fighting game using River City Ransom characters. Some of them have their English names and some with their Japanese names.... which is werid. But it's fun to play too.
All in all, I like this game, and it's still fun to beat up the bad guys and take their money, jumping and throwing items at them, picking them up and throwing them around. So much fun. There are two more games on the 3DS that were released after this that I'm hoping we will see. If the developers see this, PLEASE bring us the other two games: Tokyo Rumble and Knights of Justice. I'll buy them immediately.