I feel like with the release of the reboot this game garnered more of a liking and less hatred. Personally I loved this game when it first released back in 2013 but I understand why the hatred was warranted. I am in the huge majority that SR2 was peak but after that Volition became very obsessed with the question, "How more crazy can we go?" Of course this same question was a death sentence for the franchise.
Is it a good SR game? No but yes. Volition put a lot of love into making this game especially doing so many call backs to the old games. At least they didn't forget where they came from back then. Volition also pulled a 'Conker's Bad Fur Day' in terms of how many pop culture references can they squeeze into one game. Is it a fun game? Absolutely.
I know this feels very like a huge expansion considering its the same map and reused assets. This is because it originally was a DLC for Saint Row 3. Volition however started putting too much time and budget into the project that it eventually morphed into a standalone title. I do wonder how different things would of went if it did turn into a DLC and not Saints Row IV.
If they did intent for the main character to become the president they at least could of created a new map. That being Washington D.C. In the beginning we only see a small glimpse with the Washington Monument. I think they could of did some really fun things with that setting. If they were going absurd to the max they should of just went the full drive and showed us a saintified D.C.
If you plan on playing the game for the love of everything holy please do not play the version Volition left with us that hooks up and automatically launches to Epic Games Store. The game runs like absolute crap. Go to the properties and opt yourself into the beta under sriv_legacy. It'll revert back to the original playable build that negates Epic Games Store and plays from Steam.