1st Sub 1400... I400? Anyway the bottom red nose section cant be removed even after everything else is removed. Seems the cable of the winch lines closest to the bow need to be extended to be able to go farther so the nose can be pulled apart. Uless theres another mechanic at play thats not obvious like maybe an invisble welding line or saw cutting strip.
2nd Sub The Kursk. Got all but the last 1/4 of the outer hull of the sub done. Cant remove the forward most Lunch tubes on the left side if you are facing inland. (If you are facing the ocean then it would be on the right.) Theres an invisible block or platform in the 6th bay that even after that launch tube was removed without issue it still remains that prevents the lifting out of the other more forward launch tubes. If that block or whatever wasnt there then the launch tubes could be pulled and then the rest of the hull could be pulled apart and lifted away. This fix might involve letting us place explosives ANYWHERE and blow up the offending cloaked block itself, even when sight-unseen. KABOOM!
3rd Sub: The Ohio. The radiation is off the charts.... as in the detcetor isnt really useful here cause it still sends you back to the hut even when it hasnt even gone past the yellow stage, a couple times it was showing in the green. Re dused to make it happen but not yellow/green. So the radiation gadget readings is way off. Be prepared to pop back at the hut for EACH missle silo at least once. Hope the poor worker is taking his anti radiation pills... the poor guy. Hes not gonna live long to enjoy the money from ship breaking. =(
It was also rumored to be another invisible block/platform issue here in the middle of the ship somewhere but I never encountered it. Maybe they fixed it by the time I got to it. So I had no problem with this one except a few heavy cargo elements got crushed trying to free the outer hull/shell. It wasnt game breaking and was able to finish the contracts anyway.
-A fix for that would maybe be to implement an option to turn off or on that would allow you to only pop one blue circle/rivet dot at a time if you aimed only at it or if you were just clearing at the end then aim in the middle and pop all four in the small clusters. Make it a turnon-able/off-able option cause not everyone would like it. Hmmm.... I may restart and not upgrade the hammer to see if its more strategic in removing the rivets/blue circles that way later in the game. But thats just me and a personal preference and would make all the other stuff take much more longer so maybe not.
Over all I still had fun with this one and reccommend it only because the contracts were still fill-able/do-able/achieve-able/ complete-able. And if you dont like the mini sorting game the Auto-sort option is still there, yay.