This is probably the worst DLC out of all the game has. You only get three ships, and all three ships are a massive pain to scrap. They are not fun in a challenging way, there is no 'hard mode' here, just annoyance. Every sub marine has a hull all around it that needs to be pried apart, but how to go about disconnecting it all and doing this is extremely unclear. Because each ship is so jammed tight with equipment, figuring out how to separate the hull walls and ceilings from the floor/deck plates is awful. One wrong move and you will lose heavy equipment and cargo needed to complete the contracts.
Add into the mix radioactive materials, more now with rockets, that you need to slowly try and creep up on and cut into (each one taking several tries and several lives), makes me feel like Sisyphus rolling a rock slowly up a hill over and over with each one. This certainly should not be what you are going for with for a DLC for your game. There needs to be some kind of radiation suit upgrade for the game, a slight lowering of just how far the radioactive aura is, or something.
This is just awful, I didn't have any fun with it at all and just powered my way through to try and get the achievements. There are still persistent bugs throughout this DLC for all of the ships. I wish I hadn't bought it in the first place. Do not buy this. What a waste.