5/10. Skullgirls has always had a fluctuating reputation.
I love the *gameplay* of skullgirls and the character writing is very on point, but in the game's current state and lack of... well content, I can't exactly recommend it in good faith.
The community for skullgirls has been split into three or so factions:
A: The Overly loyal, blind to the problems brought on by the way the new devs kicked the old devs out and removed content
B: The Angered, Some justified, some not. In any case the angered are split between people rightfully angry at content that they **very specifically paid for**, being removed from the game.
The people angry that "panty shots" from characters who are depicted as minors were removed from the game are genuinely creepy.
The Devs removed story related content, such as Big band's backstory of fighting against a corrupt police system, and erased tons of the story content from the continuity of the game for no reason. They even removed DLC content and didn't warn players about the removal *AND* removed beta branches of the game that have the DLC content( in the art book). Very scummy behavior.
Example: The Red Egrets. A lawful evil faction who were supposed to have nazi-esque symbolism using red arm bands and german WW1 and WW2 gas masks, helmets, etc.
I want my bad guys to look evil, not like muddied messes of dark green. The red arm bands also served as a stark contrast to an otherwise all green/black/grey color palette, balancing the visual designs of the characters who wore the evil faction uniform.
They are bad guys, they are evil. Let them look as the evil they are.
If the devs wanted to censor stuff like Big band getting beaten up in his story or the Egrets, why could they not add a "censored version" in the options menu? That would cater to their points that they wanted without needlessly removing visual design elements from the cannon design of the main bad guys.
The DLC characters added to the game also begged the question, "why not just make Skullgirls 3rd Encore in the way 2nd encore was made?" and frankly the conclusion that the devs came to was... nothing. There's no real reason for them to have milked the community of DLC characters in the way that they did.
Supposedly, we were going to get a real story mode once all of the characters from the DLC were finished. It's been 3 years since Annie released and there has been no news as to what is going on with the game's development.
I can't, in good faith, recommend this game when even if you ignore all the shady practices of removing content that people paid for, even if you ignore the removal of story elements and lies about "we will add a story mode", even if you ignore the half-baked state the DLC characters released in,
That doesn't solve the problems of a super low playerbase. Buying this game means spending hundreds of hours learning against people who have Thousands of hours of playtime. It's very unlikely that Skullgirls is going to get a revival, ergo it dies as it started. Fun gameplay, interesting characters, bad everything else.