This DLC is a work of alchemy.
It takes a bad story, an average level design, a predictable world, very low level writing, bad voice acting, a lot of minor mistakes, totally misbegotten faction system and a pristine implementation of DnD ruleset and gameplay; then transmutes it in an utterly delightful experience.
Let me clarify: The DnD 5th edition tabletop mechanics are so well executed here that literary all the flaws (and there are numerous) fall in the background and don't matter.
It feels like a homebrew campaign called by your not-so-amazing DM friend, but a passionate and fair guy who really wants you to have a great time, and even though he is not an artist - he does his best.
I really enjoyed this DLC, perhaps even more than the main campaign and definitely recommend it to anyone who is into DnD 5th edition, turn-based RPGs and general epic fantasy genre.
NOTE: I've purchased all the DLCs so I was able to create a very versatile party, this added a lot to the overall experience.
NOTE to DEVS: Even though many shortcomings didn't spoil the game's overall fun, I don't want to encourage you to continue in the same way with the future Solasta games. If all the negative aspects of the game were improved - Solasta would have been easily better game than Baldur's Game III.
Objective grade: 7/10
Subjective grade: 8,5/10