Hello friends,
Today i will review the game Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition. This is considered the definitive edition of this game. It added a bunch of quality fixes and new quests and npc's. As this is the only version I have played, my review will be on this version of the game.
The game itself is hard to describe in some ways. It is a game about accepting death, celebrating those who lives changed the character's life. In fact, I personally think some of these characters are based on real life people who lived at one time or another, and effected each other's lives. The majority of this story is dealing with death, but the artistic way the game shows the world with the music is very beautiful. For example, the ocean shown in the game is a representation of limbo, and the blood river is a representation of the river of Styx.
Representations aside, the gameplay focus on the main character STELLA, who is in charge of ferrying souls to the other side by Charon. Her cat also helps her out with this job, and this allows a second player using local co-op to play as the cat. There is also collecting things to do stuff in the ship stella is given. Each collectible can be refined on certain things on the ship. For example, Stella can grow things by building a farm or field. This all takes place on a ship that can be upgraded to even support more functions and things. By exploring and collecting things, more ship functions are unlocked, and this leads to new areas being accessed in limbo. Anyways, here is my PROS and CONS list:
- A story about celebrating life and death. Although the graphics are cartoony, do not take this game lightly as it has very deep meanings in it.
- Upgradeable things on the ship of the main character.
- New powers Stella can learn opening the world more.
- Quests to do for lost souls to help to the other side.
- Many things to collect and find.
- Local Co-Op allows 2 players to play at same time. Only local co-op, although it may work with Steam Remote play.
- Beautiful world to explore and music that fits all aspects in the game.
- Works on windows 11 operating system.
- Controller works with the game. I used a ZEN PRO switch controller.
- There is a treasure map bug i have personally run into. Basically, the treasure at the location does not appear. It has been reported to the developers. You can read about this particular bug here:
Do I recommend this game? Yes, i much do recommend it. If you want to teach someone about death, this game can be used as a tool, even having others find solace if they had death in their own lives, like me. MY uncle died earlier this year, which still makes me sad, but seeing people being helped by stella to go to the other side made me feel better. Do not the cartoony style graphics fool you, the player. This game is incredibly deep with concepts about life and death. This is not a action game, but a cozy type game that explores deep concepts such as death, life, and other aspects of these topics. I suggest if you want to feel some comfort about what happens to those who pass on, try this game out.