This port is horrible, constant crashes, constant audio bugs, horrible optimization. If you don't have a great computer, good luck. I do not recommend ever getting unless it is on sale and you really wanna try it (or really like the first). This game does not come with the DLC, so if you want it you'll have to mod it in. Do note that this game was developed in about a year, so that is why it is so ass.
Judging it as art though, it's also really bad. The only good things about this game is the gameplay (of Starkiller), the graphics, and the voice acting, otherwise I have major problems with everything else. The biggest problem with this game is that it's really stretched out, while still being way too god damn short. You can beat this game in 1 afternoon. There is 5 levels, 1 of which is the tutorial, and another that is just one room that you go through in 15 seconds. The second to last level has you run back through the first half of the level BUT REVERSED WOOOO.
The story is under written garbage, it simplifies all the characters motivations down to basic needs, Juno being an absolute nothingburger of a character now, and Starkiller being madly in love with her and would throw away the rebellion for her (WHICH HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR THE REBELLION IN THE FIRST GAME). Koda is just tutorial man, and Proxy is alive for some reason, and Vader is awesome cause he always is. The good ending is actually ok, but the bad ending is absolute ass. Boba Fett is in this game for some reason and does NOTHING (the game will try it's best to pretend he's important) . DLC story is absolute garbage so I'm not even gonna cover it.
The level design made sure you would do every kind of challenge or puzzle twice, you'd beat a room with flamethrower dude, and next room is the flamethrower dude with the spiders. Another example of how bloated they made a short game. Eventually all the enemies become really lame, as they make it their jobs to not provide a unique challenge and to just deny the usage of your abilities. Invisible guys are the biggest crime of this. None of the bosses are fun, and are all tedious bullet sponges. Gorog is just a worse Metal Gear Execlsuis from Metal Gear Rising, but with 3 f-ing phases. The terror walker is the best boss in this game by process of elimination, and even then spends half the fight invincible and constantly spawning the most annoying enemies in the game (invisible dudes and spiders), at least the sfx and design are fucking sick. Darth Vader is one of the worst bosses I've fought ever, takes no damage, constantly spawns enemies that don't take damage from force abilities, and you can't damage vader unless you parry him (which only allows you one hit and it does barely any damage) or to mind trick one of the clones, unfortunately mind trick is a worthless ability that last for 10 seconds and consumes a ton of force power, so it is almost never worth unless you want a good laugh. So disappointing compared to the first games Vader fight.
Impressive that a game can be ass in both art and as a port. Bravo