I enjoyed this game,, Medium length of play time. mine was 25 hours. Could have been longer.
A nice Story and Very dependant on choice. What you say really does affect character interactions.
I was fairly quick into a relationship with Rana, Once you figure her out it's fine.. But I never ended up with her at the end as she realised she was not the only one in my heart. The others are fairly slow to get through to though one is a surprise when it happens. One I missed out on because of wrong choice of words, shame that as it seems a good option. The final girl,, I like her and she is interesting. She gives up everything to stay with you at the end.. I was playing the Female character,, And I understand that Reactions are different to a Male Captain..
Oh,,, NO FULL NUDES,, this does not detract,, There are no sex scenes,, topless image per girl. Though I do wish there were more than one type of romance session per girl,, I would class this as a negative really.
Getting the Girl (Boy if yo want with either sex captain) is the Bonus.
I missed out on a few destinations because I found the location that starts the end game by accident so will replay Of Course, I want that blue girl Love :D
Replayed and those I missed were fun..
Also,, The Pirates,,, Make sure you have 100 Hull, so sell the minerals get repaired and do the Pirates at the bottom, Not called Pirate though, this will lead to a few more groups, do the top of the 3 as this gives you Khoria, do the other 2 carefully. Then do the Pirates at the top. A woman's face will be the next then another face or Eden,, you will get a woman's face 2 or 3 times,, the last one is you sleeping with her.
The Gambling place can also give you one more companion but WHO depends on What you do.
You can also get rich and retire if you win the Galactic Championship which comes up after meeting the
person Rana owes a debt to.
They are meant to be working on more for this Game.
Story - 8/10
CG's - 8/10
Music - 8/10
Replayability - 9/10
The only Negative I can think of I have already said. Lets hope that they do add more dates for your love interests than these in an add on.