100% the game so that I can review this game with confidence. SPG2 is a Space Sim with RPG elements. Game got a decent size map with many different factions but can only be divided between Good/Bad alignment. Game got a healthy amount of varieties of space ships (~75), many of which got some great designs. Stories and missions are meh, lore content is scarce. The space sim elements and space combat is great and very enjoyable imo, though the maximum amount of ships in your fleet is only limit to 3 ships (your ship + 2 mercenaries). The game got a pretty steep progress curve, you start with the 1st class of space ship the Gunship and after 10~15 levels if you dont get the next tier of ship, the Corvette, you gonna start having trouble doing higher level missions in which there are multiple heavier weight ships than you. Pro-tips: The quickest way to earn money to buy new ships is to capture enemy ships and sell them to rake in them fat stacks. Overall a great game if you like space sim with RPG elements