Amazing. I love this game. Very underrated. Even though it's a small game, there's a lot of content to it, considering that each house is generally totally different at different times of the day, there are multiple ways to make sales even at the same time of day at the same house, and there are a bunch of alternative endings you can get through the conversations. Every character is unique/weird, and the game has a great sense of humor.
The game is also very hard. I can't imagine getting the true ending without looking up a guide.
What I don't like is that you have to start all over again when your character reaches an ending and that you can't revisit the same house twice in the same playthrough. When you start a new game, it doesn't automatically unlock houses that you unlocked in previous playthroughs, so you can't necessarily easily get to the houses you want to go to. Also, there's a rudimentary stats page, but it doesn't show which houses you've made sales at when or which endings you've reached and which are left to get. If the game had stats like that and an easier way to access houses you've already been to, I would've tried to get everything. Seems like a big missed opportunity for the devs.
But anyway, awesome game, loved it, totally recommend.