Guys, don't fret, they just released it buggy to be as close to normal DBD as possible.
It's for immersion.
Adding this after running through for the first time, and it's pretty good. I like it! Yeah there's quite a few performance issues, and those should've been checked prior to release, but the game past the issues is genuinely solid. Def gonna run through in my spare time to try and get everything.
Edit 2, Electric Boogaloo: Alright, I forgot to add more to this so, here we go! There will be some spoilers from here on out, so be warned. And these are of course, my opinions, you might have had/will have a different take.
Characters: I really enjoy most of the characters in this, with the highlights for me being Linda and Madi's relationship, which gives me the feeling of an aunt meeting her adult niece for the first time and hitting it off, and Jaime was just my favorite character at times. Chris is the only one that stands out to me as being irritating sometimes. A good example of this is her blowing up at Jaime if he criticizes her for taking a severed hand in a jar from Frank Stones hideout
and recording it for use in their movie. Her response feels incredibly unbelievable and I just dislike her for it.
Story: The story felt pretty well done. The premise, which is that Augustine Leiber is devoted to the Entity and seeks to draw it to her world to become it's servant is believable, and the method she takes to achieve that goal, namely crafting Frank Stone into the perfect killer to draw the Entity's attention, makes sense to me. There are some weird time shenanigans that don't make much sense to me as well, however. But I've also not seen every choice and ending, so maybe that'll clear some things up. I don't get the significance of the camera to Frank Stone, however.
Although a negative I felt after playing through more than once is that sometimes the DBD references feel very... forced? Most of them are nice and subtle, and made me chuckle to my friend who I was streaming to, like the Afterpiece Tonic soda that's popular in the world the characters inhabit. Some are a bit more strange, but I can excuse for the fact that they're usually collectibles, like the Killer dolls scattered throughout the game. But sometimes I have to wonder "why?", like a few of the puzzles at the Mansion. You have to get a piece for a diorama featuring the Hillbilly killer on Coldwind Farm, and upon placing the piece, the Hillbilly snuffs out a boon totem with his sledgehammer, revealing... another sledgehammer? A sledgehammer which is a piece to ANOTHER Billy themed puzzle, where you have to place it in the hands of another Billy model, this time a clock, to get a piece for the door puzzle. And the door puzzle answers are icons from the DBD representing things associated with Billy, namely Coldwind Farm, Cow Tree, and his Sledgehammer. Did we REALLY need that many puzzles centered around Billy? It just felt very out of place
Gameplay: I thought they integrated DBD mechanics into the game pretty well. The skillchecks don't feel too out of place or irritating and the generator repair minigames are brief and not overused. The rest of the gameplay is what I would assume is standard Supermassive gameplay (This is my first Supermassive game, so I don't have a reference for that).
Performance: No beating around the bush here, it's bad. There's massive lag when starting a new chapter, or switching between cinematic and gameplay, which worries me that eventually I'll encounter an early skillcheck that I can't hit because of the lag. There's also some really strange lighting bugs, like how Stan's jacket will sparkle when near certain light sources. It's very off putting at times, but I'm also the type of person who will power through these issues to play the game, for better or worse. I do however, completely understand if you don't want to buy the game because of these issues, which really should've been caught and ironed out prior to launch.
All in all, this is a game that I enjoy so far, despite it's very real issues. I'll try to remember to add more to this as I go along though, so if you want, stay tuned to hear more.