New Player Experience
I highly recommend this game to anyone who can tolerate nudity and gore which is totally worth it during the winter sale you can afford this game in just $0.60. This can be just a survival game as you can turn the cannibals off on the main menu, but to me the cannibals are the meat and potatoes of this game and I find myself sorely missing them should they not come visit me a couple of times a day.
The AI in this game is honestly the best I’ve encountered. The game now features different types of cannibals with tribes that will fight if you watch silently, but will mostly unite in their hatred of the guy deforesting their land, (you). The cannibals will still throw a couple of punches at each other if there’s enough of them around however. There are starving cannibals who will try to stalk you to find out where you live and try to scavenge off any kills you make, scouts for larger tribes who will often simply run away to alert others of your locations, hunting parties (though I’m pretty sure they’re only hunting you), and cannibals just trying to live out their lives in peace that you can finding sleeping in camps or caves. Cannibals will duck and roll to evade attacks, climb trees to escape, light tennis balls on fire and throw them at you, wreck your base if you’re not careful, but they’ll also do things like drop effigies which you can catch them praying at if left uninterrupted, they’ll drag their wounded out of battle if they can, and will run off to retrieve others if you let them escape.
My honest reaction as a new player!
- Travel abroad by plane with your son Timmy
- Crash
- Wake up to your son being kidnapped by a naked guy I didn't see anything
- Wake up, with whiplash
- Loot everything you see
- Eat all the somehow unscathed plane food you see
- Grab some sort of passenger list
- Forget about it
- Find some drugs
- Use the drugs
- See the axe that's stuck inside the flight attendant
- Pull out the axe (the way King Arthur would have done it)
- Jump out the back of the plane and break open some suitcases
- Start cutting some trees
- Realize that you're the hulk by carrying two logs at once
- Open the oh, so handy survival book that you just so happen to have
- Start building a log cabin
- Realize that it's going to take forever to build it
- Abandon the building site
- Find a new site and start building a new, smaller house
- Continue cutting trees for the rest of the day
- Hear weird noises during the night
- Rustling in the bushes, someone laughing
- Take a closer look
- See the naked man
- The naked man sees you
- The naked man runs at you
- Regret your decision
- Panic
- Run, fast
- Faster
- Eat, replenish your stamina
- Climb, the mountain
- Jump, into a lake
- Swim
- Swim
- Swim till daylight
- Run back to camp
- Change pants Calm down
- Go back to building, defense
- Remember that you have a son Decide that you want to live
10/10 Would Recommend This Game!
I almost forgot to tell you about the Visuals & Aesthetic if you love greenery, mountains, oceans, sky's and the graphics.. well tell you the truth this game still looks pretty by the standard of 2018 release, I have shared some in-game Screenshots as well.