In my opinion, the DLC is very underreated. I bought the DLC about a week ago to give it a try. And despite all the hates, I love it. Obviously, I started a new game, which the most important thing to do. Because if you don't and go to pits with max level and fully upgraded gear, you destroy it in seconda. And it makes sense, but still, most of hates goes because of this. Don't get me Wrong, but you can't expect, that it will be hard to beat, If you have the best gear you can have. And I underestand, that not everybode Is in love with this game the way I'm, and not everybody is about to start new game with every new DLC. But in that case, don't give the DLC bad rating, If you didn't see it's full potential.
So, if you start a new game, the pits are great new way of Fighting. Various kinds of tactics you can use, depending on challenge you started. Also, the rewards are great. For example, this brawling weapon Is ridicoulously OP in my opinion. Every enemy, every leader tha you don't want to engage with you troops Is just out of combat, the whole fight.
New weapons And trinkets gives you whole new way to make your troops. You can be more creative, you can find new And Fun ways to win a Battle. Something different than running around with legendary Hammer (y'all know which one) And instakill everything. Also, those new layers looks Great.
So far, I cleared two pits And it looks Great.