Sparks are cool. However, the mission you need to do to get that shit is so fucking badly designed. Had to restart my iron man run because I didn't realize that every robot had at least two armor and I didn't have the damage output on the top of the tower to kill the boss endgame enemy sectopod with unlimited spawning robots. Yes, Shen is OP and has the exact tools what you need, but when it comes to RNG when actually shooting the enemies, it's actually fucked how you get this mission of this difficulty within the first month with no warning of what to expect. It is a beginners trap and absolutely ruins iron man runs. At the very least give the warning that this mission is NOT time sensative like almost every other mission in the game.
Overall: 3 stars. Bad mission design that is super fucking long, wounds your soldiers, exhausts your soldiers, and is extremely poor in execution.
Sparks are cool though. The mission difficult also does not scale with time. Would've been useful to know that BEFORE going into it with only a four man of squaddies...