#2.00.73370 - Darkest Dungeon II - Kingdoms Hotfix
Removed Confessions Hero Story requirement from the Abomination for Kingdoms access
Abomination Shrine Combat 2
Shrine of Reflection goal has been updated for clarity
Absolution cooldown reduced from 2 to 1
Absolution is not usable during round 1
Purifying Litany buff limited to a maximum stack count of 2
The buff that removes a Monk's Purifying Litany buffs when they get moved has been changed to a debuff to separate it from the Purifying Litany buffs at a glance
Edge Case Fixes
Updated Kingdoms Event panel to be closeable via hotkey without breaking game presentation
Fixed an issue where the Heroes would sometimes refuse food even if they have yet to eat
Added missing Narration to Kingdoms Main Menu flow
Fixed an issue with heroes using palettes not spawning the correct corpse
Fixed an issue with the Abomination's Confession 5 boss mechanic not clearing correctly if the Abomination was slain
Fixed an issue with the 'Et Tu, Riposte' achievement
Fixed an issue where pressign the ESC key during presentation broke the Kingdoms UI resulting in the Pass Day button being blocked from input
Fix to map generation failure with biome goal when avoiding node is unavoidable
Fixed an issue when multiple buff instances that use the same override string would duplicate
NOTE: You will need to start a new Kingdoms campaign to see the Abomination at the crossroads. If you had started a Kingdoms campaign before and quit at the Crossroads, loading that save won't cause the Abomination to appear.