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cover-A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead

Thursday, November 21, 2024 4:43:17 PM

21 Kasım Yama Notları

Hi everyone! 🤫
Today we have another patch for you! This one includes general improvements as well as plenty of fixes.
Stay quiet; survive another day.


Quality of Life & Accessibility

The game journal functionality now allows players to display journal entries locally (from the current walkthrough) or globally (from any walkthrough), preventing spoilers unless specifically enabled.
Physical interactions for objects thrown into the water were added.
Improved support for all resolutions, including ultrawide.
The position of the inhaler icon and sound level meter icon in the inventory have been standardized for consistency.
New options for greater customization in the main menu were introduced to the graphics settings.
A menu toggle now lets players select their preferred sound effects for the creatures.
The timer for non-blocking tutorials was adjusted to minimize interference with gameplay.
An additional tutorial for the microphone was added for better clarity.
The timing for planks breaking when players stand on them was refined.
The AI in Easy Difficulty was adjusted to make the level more accessible for less experienced players.
AI behaviour was balanced to prevent it from staying too close to the player too frequently.
Improved performance when RTX is turned on.

Issue Fixes

Creature AI

Aggressive AI behaviour near the Camper Parking bottle trap at the Campsite was resolved.
AI at the Pool area of the Fire Station level no longer gets stuck on PC.
AI navigation issues at the Harbor’s "CityEnter" and shipyard areas were addressed.
AI at the Hospital's "Garage" hide-and-seek zone now turns properly at the start of the sequence.
Aggressive AI overpassing the environment during Bear Trap encounters at the Campsite was corrected.

General Fixes

All Platforms

Subtitles are no longer displayed when the "Subtitles" setting is turned off
There is no longer a shortcut through the pallet in the last hide-and-seek zone in the Forest level.
Sand is now being poured correctly throughout the game.
The plank can`t be moved through the air vent at the "Canal" area at the Pump Station.
Hint markers no longer float if the camera moves before the hint disappears.
The letters of the Radio Station sign are no longer reflected on the wall at the Campsite.
Creature animations no longer clip with the environment during Bear Trap sequences at the Campsite.
Trigger input is no longer ignored the first time on rope traps' skill checks.
The countdown to the achievement/trophy "A Fast Swim" now starts after Alex activates the sprinklers in the pool at the Fire Station level.
The unmuted microphone icon no longer displays incorrectly during starting level sequences.
The space shuttle collectible is now easier to retrieve after the Watchtower at the Campsite.
It is now easier to interact with a specific rope trap in the "Parking" area at the Campsite.
Diary progress now resets correctly when starting a new game.
Vertical deadzone for the left stick in the Game Menu was adjusted for better navigation.
Save creation issues at the Harbor level’s "Pier" area were addressed.
Selecting "Survivor Mode" now sets "Hint Type" to "Objective Only," hiding Locator hints.
Button prompts for picking up the mixtape in "Theater" mode now display correctly.
The mic icon will now show muted status during document interactions.
Narrative sequences now mute the microphone as expected when activated.
Difficult interactions with ropes and tunnels were adjusted for ease.
Alex can no longer avoid boxes by climbing a car at the Campsite’s start.
Achievements/trophies "Art Lover" and "Passionate" now unlock after the first purchase of art and models in the game with pre-order content ON PS5 and Xbox.

PC Only

The restore default button button is now disabled if options are already on default in video options.
Chromatic aberration is turned off by default on 4K monitors.
HWRT is no longer active on low presets.
Letters on button prompts now display correctly when the keyboard layout is switched to Cyrillic.
DLSS no longer creates artifacts across the game.

PlayStation 5 Only

Exiting to the main menu during the final cinematic before the credits now correctly unlocks the Concept Art for The Fire Station.
Reactivating the microphone no longer reactivates vibration feedback on the DualSense controller.

Xbox Series X|S Only

Diary menu navigation issues were resolved.

Audio & Visual Fixes

All Platforms

Objects with physics now have improved animations and sounds when falling into the water at the Pump Station level.
Lighting in the Trainwreck cave now remains consistent regardless of player distance.
Floating leaves on the Market Roof at the Harbor level were corrected.
Animation clipping during Bear Trap sequences was resolved at the Campsite.
Floating seams in the Harbor level buildings and Pump Station Sewers ground were fixed.
The visible seam on the ground at the Pump Station's Sewers checkpoint has been fixed.
Overlapping sand textures on the inhaler after the Forest’s first gap were resolved.
Creature animations no longer clip with the environment during special cases at the Campsite.
Creature foot-slip animations during a jump to the deposit were fixed at the Campsite.

PC Only

Low-resolution UI elements in Options and the "Skip" progress fill bar were improved when "Texture Quality" is set to Low.

PlayStation 5 Only

Car shadows no longer blink in Quality mode on IIS for PS5.

Xbox Series X|S Only

Game Over screen text resolution was enhanced on XSX.
Red light rendering with "Protanope" Color Correction Type on XSX now behaves consistently.

That’s it for us this time! Don’t forget that we love watching your gameplay clips! If you’ve been capturing some nice videos, send them over for a chance to be featured on our social media channels: https://forms.gle/Lj7S9j14vjLfefNi6