6.5.1 | Bugfix Patch
Release Schedule
Update Releases: 11AM EDT
Survivor activity HUD now shows Generator progress.
Bug Fixes
The game should no longer crash on exit.
Switching to a loadout with the same Add-On in a different position will no longer cause disconnection from a lobby.
Items on sale in the Store display the correct discounted Iridescent Shard price.
Customization Reward notifications will now correctly appear.
The copyright year has been updated in the intro trailer.
Simultaneously levelling up and swapping character should no longer trigger a soft lock.
Custom Games
In a Custom Game, changing to Survivor after having multiple players in the Killer role now displays the correct role to all party members.
Bots will now hit regular Skill Checks correctly.
Killer Bugs
The Knight can no longer break an un-dropped Pallet that was reset by the Perk Any Means Necessary.
Survivors will no longer remain stuck in the the Remove Chain action when chained by The Cenobite's Summons of Pain or Chain Hunt.
Lethal Pursuer will no longer inadvertently reveal Auras while Blinded.
The Hillbilly’s Chainsaw no longer risks going silent when using the Apex Muffler or Off-Brand Motor Oil Add-Ons.
The Whispers icon no longer appears lit before its first activation.
The frame rate has been stabilized during Killer Moris.
The Nurse will now gain Blink Charge correctly while using Jenner’s Last Breath.
Status Effects from The Pig’s Add-Ons will no longer remain after a Reverse Bear Trap has been removed.
Killers will no longer receive Merciless Killer after Killing fewer than 4 Survivors.
Killers will no longer get stuck in the Shattered Square Map.
Fixed an unreachable Bear Trap placement in the Gas Haven Map.
Killers can no longer climb on the Vat Room rails in The Game Map.
Killers can no longer completely body block access to basements in the Autohaven Wreckers Realm.
Exiting a locker as The Dredge while a Survivor is moving away no longer causes a sound cut.
The Blight will no longer keep William Birkin’s voice in the menu while changing to another Outfit.
The Knight's Enchanted Plates and Frosty Eyes outfits no longer disappear while he is using his Power.
Survivor Bugs
Female Survivor legs will no longer clip through the ground during The Nurse’s Mori.
The Red Envelope of a dead or disconnected Survivor will no longer remain visible.
The Breakout Perk icon is now correctly visible to Survivors being affected by it
Carried Survivors are now able to see if they are affected by Iron Grasp.
Missing a Skill Check when letting go of a Generator will now lead to a loss of Potential Energy Tokens.
The Map Item no longer allows for indefinite Aura reading.
Survivors using the Glass Bead Add-On can now make Markers as intended.
The Healing Hud icon will not activate when a Survivor is in a Cage of Atonement.
The HUD Indicator should now reveal accurate Generator progress information.
Fixed an issue that may cause Reverse Bear Traps to remain floating in front of the Jigsaw Box after being removed.
Reverse Bear Traps will now disappear correctly upon being removed.
Survivors who bleed out or die to a Killer’s Special Power (The Onryo’s Condemned, etc) will no longer see the Escaped Result on the End Game screen.
The Item of Obsession Achievement can now be unlocked as intended.
Survivors can no longer trap The Knight’s Guards inside lockers with a rushed exit.
Known Issues
The Mastermind can't go up the stairs and vault smoothly when using the Virulent Bound ability in Dead Dawg Saloon.