Crab Game Christmas Update
Crab Game Holidays Update
hey its me again
i think this is the 4th update but i kinda lost count. anyway we have christmas stuff now, new crates, new maps and modes & more.
Christmas Update
New Christmas Box (13 new items)
A free surprise by opening the game 👀
A lot of maps are now winter-themed. Snowballs can be found on many maps.
+ Snow Brawl
+ Dodgeball
- Standoff
Sussy Slope (Race)
Icy Crack
Dodgy Ice (Dodgeball)
Dodgy Fields (Dodgeball)
Dodgy Streets (Dodgeball)
Dodgy Snow (Dodgeball)
Sandy Stones (The floor is lava)
Sandy Islands (Stepping Stones)
Small Sandy Islands (Stepping Stones)
Recycle Items
A lot of people have complained about their inventories filled with Jeff Hair.
You can now recycle items, and turn them into rags.
Go to your inventory -> Click an Item -> Recycle
Be VERY CAREFUL when you recycle items, as you can NOT get recycled items back.
With enough rags, you can craft a random crate.
Seekers are frozen for the first 5 seconds of a round, giving the hiders time to hide.
Tried to fix some stutter issues, but not sure if it worked lol
Fixed an issue where you would hit a person but it didn't register
You can now set your Input Latency in the Game Settings. Setting this value lower will make your mouse movement more repsonsive, but decrease FPS. Setting it higher will have the opposite effect.
Can open your inventory in-game, and open crates in-game (Sometimes when you open a crate in game it will now show the crate opening, and just freeze. But the item will appear in your inventory if you check there).
Can change your outfit in game, but only when you are in the waiting room.
Added a few more quests, based on suggestions from LePawel & the community :)
Server sends a chat message if someone unboxed something cool
Can now type in freecam without moving the camera
Yeah we got backpacks now. They cannot be found in crates, exclusively on the Item Store.
Check out the Item Store Here