Dev Talk: Islands and Farming Rework
With the Wild Blood update arriving October 16, it’s time to take an in-depth look some of its major features. In this Dev Talk, Game Director Robin Henkys and Environment Artist Johannes Geier talk us through the improvements to personal islands and farming that are on the way.
Personal Island Biomes
Wild Blood reworks the appearances of all personal islands, with each now belonging to a particular biome.
The goals of this are:
Give players a visually upgraded island experience Make islands feel secluded while still thematically linked to cities
Each island’s visuals will be appropriate to its host city:
Martlock: Rolling hills, meadows, cliffs, and waterfalls Lymhurst: Thick, lush forest with a stream running through Bridgewatch: Oasis-like, with warm, shallow waters and palm trees Fort Sterling: peaceful, snow-capped mountains Thetford: sunken ruins, overgrown trees, and emerald waters Caerleon: rough, rocky, bandit-controlled territory
Farming Bonuses
Along with updated island visuals, new farming bonuses for crops and animals are being introduced:
A particular crop will grow best on each island A particular animal will yield more when butchered on each island Each animal will have a favorite food, which makes it grow faster
These different bonuses will encourage trade and allow the planning of a sophisticated growing, transportation, and processing schedule.
With these changes on the way, you are now able to move an existing island once until the update launches on October 16. For details on this and which bonuses apply where, see this forum post.
Furthermore, when Wild Blood releases, players will be able to own multiple personal islands: up to one for each city, allowing players to build a trans-continental farming empire!
Stay tuned for more Dev Talks on the other Wild Blood features coming very soon.