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cover-Planet Crafter

Thursday, May 23, 2024 2:25:54 PM

Development Branch update - v1.100

Hello Terraformers!
We've just updated a new version (v1.100) on the development branch.
To try it, see the "How to switch branches?" question in the FAQ.
This version is a preview of a new update that should come up next week.
Let us know if you experience significant performances changes or new critical bugs.
As usual, restart Steam to get the update, and backup your save before trying the dev branch.
If you have issues launching the game, remove all your mods before reporting bugs.

v1.100 - Temporary changelog :

The craftable suit of the previous version was removed. It's now findable in wrecks after the last stage is reached.
New animal food T1 & T2
Animals will generates more if fed with new animal food
New spacesuits can be find in the world
Butterfly farm can be placed on fondations
Improve procedural wrecks again
Polishing, balancing and various minor fixes
New secret hidden place in the grasslands biome (check the waterfalls)

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See you soon, and good terraforming!
Brice for Miju Games