DLC 1 & 2 Launch Trailer | Update 1.1
Hail Commanders!
Two mighty new heroes are now available in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin! Unleash the Celestial Spear Yndrasta and the Mouth of Mork Gobsprakk upon your foes!
The new heroes are available for those who purchased the Ultimate Edition or as a separate purchase.
In addition to two powerful new heroes we are also pleased to bring you Update 1.1. which addresses a number of issues and feedback shared since launch.
Update 1.1
Significant Changes Of Note:
Improved squad responsiveness by altering the reaction and turn speed of units
You can now retreat immediately when entering combat
Additional gameplay buffs will be applied to the player when playing on Warrior difficulty
Fixed a crash caused by skipping cinematics
Fixed a crash which would occur if you deleted an unloaded Map
Fixed an crash caused by lots of squads engaging in combat
Fixed a crash when backing out of the Workshop
Disconnecting from the internet whilst waiting for a server should no longer block the player from the game mode without a restart
Fixed a crash which could occur if you loaded a save during a cinematic
Fixed a crash when loading into an online match
Improved Tzeentch gameplay performance
Fixed a crash in the map editor when using the ramp tool
Fixed a series of player crashes
Fixed a graphical issue with the shield in the cinematics
Clouds in chapter 6 introductory cinematic should change more subtly
Removed a UI marker from appearing in cinematics
Fixed some VFX appearing pixelated in a cinematic
There should no longer be a delay at the start of a level when you move units
Fixed an issue where AI player names would not display properly in spectator mode
Fixed an issue where ranged squads could become immobile when attacking
Made tweaks to AI so they do not prioritise defending victory points if there are better targets to attack
Fixed some titles in the Battletome which were not displaying correctly
Made improvements to AI bastion purchasing logic
Fixed an error when objectives could show incorrect values in the campaign
Fixed a bug where artillery squads would fire projectiles at unusual angles. No more crossbow trickshots.
Brimstone Horrors will now be able to attack the Lord of Change. They've got over their fear.
Fixed an error where a spectator could not join the lobby
Demechrios's artefact light should not longer remain visible if he dies
Fixed a unit pathing issue on the map Sodden
Made improvements to how the AI attacks command posts
Made improvements to make it easier to target guard towers
Chainrasps will no longer stop in place after using their Reinforcement ability
Fixed an issue where captured victory points would show as neutral on the minimap
Fixed various issues with challenge, objective, and research information not displaying correctly
Campaign Fixes:
Chapter 1- Fixed some missing VFX on the Troggoth
Chapter 1 - Fixed an issue with weapon physics when units get knocked back
Chapter 2 - Fixed an issue where Kruleboyz units would not defend second conduit
Chapter 2 - Murkfang will no longer fail to retreat
Chapter 4 - Fixed a Black Screen which could occur after skipping Chapter 4 cinematic and transitioning into gameplay
Chapter 4 - Daemonic Reinforcement ability should now be available after researching it in Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Fixed Destroy all guard towers within 10 minutes challenge not completing correctly
Chapter 6 - Fixed a map boundary issue in Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - The AI should now attack the command post quicker in Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Fixed an objective alert persisting in incorrect conditions in Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Fixed an objective marker appearing in a cutscene in Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Troggoth will now vanish correctly after running away in Chapter 8
Chapter 10 - Units will no longer spawn in very slowly after the Cutscene in Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - Fixed an issue where Ripclaw could kill someone they shouldn't in Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - Fixed a bug where Chapter 10 could not be completed
Chapter 10 - Made changes to the command & realmstone available to Dankfeer in Chapter 10
Chapter 14 - Fixed an issue where Sacristan Engineers could get trapped by ammo caches in Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Fixed a Black Screen which could occur at the start of Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - You can now no longer kill something you shouldn't Chapter 16
Chapter 16 - Fixed an issue with Mission Failure playing incorrectly in Chapter 16
Chapter 16 - Fixed an issue with movement orders causing pathing issues in Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Fixed some floating rocks in Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - It is no longer possible to kill Lord Gloam before they can retreat in Chapter 18
Lobbies which are locked and loading into game will no longer appear in the browser
Fixed a rare issue where black boxes could appear in a 2V2 lobby after the player changed faction
Map Editor:
Improved performance in the map editor
Removed floating lamps from Ruined Courtyard asset
Renaming a created map will now change the name in the Workshop Upload screen
Fixed a UI bug which would show creations as Public rather than Private
Disabled the ability to save a map with inverted commas
Fixed issue with Raise/Lower controls not functioning in certain menus
Characters will now be listed in Army Types rather than Object Types
Navigable areas UI will now account for colour blindness options
Reorganised some menus to be more user friendly
Game Design:
Increased command cost of Nighthaunt tier one units
General AI balancing improvements
Local save names will now be shown when uploading a creation
Privacy settings should be retained and no longer need to be chosen per upload
Added an option to filter for local mods
Frontier accounts spread across multiple platforms can now download the same workshop creations
Searching for Maps with a blank character should no longer cause the server to time out
Fixed an issue where searching with multiple tags would only cause one tag to be searched
The Update icon will be disabled if no changes have been made
Workshop space indicator will now update correctly when subscribing to a creation
The minimap should no longer be displaying incorrectly for maps made in the editor
Acolyte retreat audio should be quieter. We appreciated their zeal but it was a bit much.
Fixed a rare bug where Victory Point capture audio would continue to play
Made some improvements to the balance of voice and music in the campaign
Fixed an audio culling issue in Chapter 12
Fixed an issue where a cave being destroyed would incorrectly retrigger some SFX
Made the Wild Gnashtoof's footsteps a little quieter. Pupper feet have been set to stealth mode.
Army Livery:
Fixed an issue where the Hallowed Knights and Knights Excelsior could have the incorrect name in the UI
Fixed an issue where you could not name a new palette in the army livery when selecting Manage in edit mode
Non-default army liveries will now apply to the starting squads
Made multiple improvements to text
Fixed multiple localisation issues
Made numerous fixes to address hotkey conflicts
Steam Deck Settings:
Made improvements to the Steam Deck Graphics Preset
Steam Deck Preset should be correctly named
Thank you to everyone who has sent in their feedback. Whilst we are not able to introduce all of your feedback for this update we are continuing to review the feedback and issues which have been shared with us and will keep you informed of any further updates.